I Challenge You…

Students turn to social media during COVID-19.

With COVID-19 pushing many into self-quarantine and social distancing, new Instagram challenges are emerging each day.

Celebrities and students are joining in on the see a pup send a pup challenge, positivity challenge, see 10 do 10 challenge, until tomorrow challenge and my fav things in GIFS challenge. The challenges are started when a person is nominated by someone else and the nominee will do the same and nominate five to 10 people after. Each person will post their challenge to their personal Instagram stories. 

Submitted by junior Shannon Karlin
Junior Shannon Karlin posted her positivity challenge picture on her Instagram story Wednesday, March 18. Karlin was nominated by sophomore Anna Sheedy and nominated juniors Mason Lewis, Olivia Shively, Kate Vankeirsbilck, Madeline Hammet, Sharon Kramschuster and sophomore Olivia Angles.

#Positivity Challenge

The first challenge to explode into the media Wednesday, March 18 was the Positivity Challenge. The nominator would post a picture to their story that could be a childhood picture of them smiling or a recent picture of themselves and would tag their own nominator and then nominate 10 other people by tagging them on the post. Positivity is needed in the confusing time the nation is going through and the posts are a step that is being taken, according to junior Shannon Karlin.

“I think these challenges are entertaining and help spread different messages,” Karlin said, “I nominated a variety of my friends that I think are models of positivity for the people around them.”

#IStayHomeFor Challenge

The second challenge that surfaced during COVID-19 self-quarantine time was the I Stay Home for Challenge Friday, March 20. When people would post the reason they would stay home to decrease the spread of Covid-19. Reasons would range from parents and neighbors to medical personnel. Participants were nominated for the challenge by being tagged in a post. They then nominate three to five others to do the same challenge. Many celebrities have taken to the challenge like singer Demi Lovato, actor Ed Westwick and singer Bebe Rexha. As celebrities spread their messages sharing why they stay home, they encourage others to do the same, ultimately limiting the spread of COVID-19, according to senior Anna Switzer.

“I think having well-known celebrities say why they’re staying home makes us remember that they are real people too and might make more of us stay home,” Switzer said.

#See10Do10 Challenge

The third challenge jumping on the trend was the See 10 Do 10 Challenge. Beginning Monday, March 23 when people are tagged in by someone doing 10 exercises, and they then post a video doing their own 10 exercises. Exercises were 10 pushups, burpees, crunches or anything possible from a house. Junior Katelyn Brinkman participated in the challenge alongside her younger sister Addison Brinkman Monday, March 23. Brinkman was nominated by Evie Vitali and nominated juniors Abbie Wagner and Clara Banes. Keeping up exercising keeps people mentally sane during the quarantine, according to Brinkman.

“My boredom made me want to do the challenge because it gave me something to do and I was able to do the challenge with my little sister which was an added bonus,” Brinkman said. 

Junior Zoe Zorn posts her dog Bindi for the See a Pup Send a Pup Challenge Tuesday, March 24. Bindi is a one-year-old Australian shepherd. Zorn was nominated by her brother’s girlfriend Ellie and nominated juniors Mia Legato and Violet Tumlin.

#SeeAPupSendAPup Challenge

The fourth challenge coming onto the scene is the See a Pup Send a Pup Challenge Tuesday, March 24. People will be nominated and post a picture of their dog on their Instagram stories and then will nominate others to post their dogs. The pups allow people to keep spirits up and who doesn’t love a good dog picture in their feed, according to junior Zoe Zorn.

“During the quarantine the challenge lets you distract yourself with the super cute dog pictures,” Zorn said.

Submitted by sophomore Emily Joyce
Sophomore Emily Joyce posts her Favorite Things in GIFs to follow the challenge on Wednesday, March 25. Joyce was nominated by Leah Ferezan and nominated Delaney Roujia, Alecia Barnette and Amber Pedersen.

#MyFavThingsInGIFS Challenge

The fifth growing challenge is My Fav Things in GIFs Wednesday, March 25. People are nominated just like the other challenges. Participants will answer a question about themselves with a GIF and post them on their story. Questions can be the person’s favorite food, color, animal or hobby and they will attribute a GIF to their answer. Keeping connected and learning new things about others while having limited contact is important to keep entertained, according to sophomore Emily Joyce.

“I think they are important because you can learn a little bit about a person in just this one image,” Joyce said, “I also think it’s great for spreading inclusion when people nominate others.” 

Submitted by junior Addison Vance
Junior Addison Vance posts her Until Tomorrow picture along with 4 other photos. Vance was nominated by St. Teresa’s Academy junior Abby Farmer and nominated junior Violet Tumlin.

#UntilTomorrow Challenge

The most recent challenge has been the Until Tomorrow Challenge which started late in the evening Wednesday, March 25 and has continued each day since. Posts are consisting of goofy pictures of the nominee and the caption until tomorrow. The posts are on the main page of participants’ Instagram and will keep the post up for 24 hours and then take it down. Each person that posts is nominated and then will tag that person in their own post. Then when the post is liked you will receive this text from the person “So….you liked my post so you have to post an embarrassing picture of yourself, for the caption you’re ONLY allowed to write “until tomorrow” and you can only tag me.  You must send this message to everyone who has liked your picture.  The picture must stay posted for 24 hours. Good luck and don’t spoil the game!” That text will then continue the challenge. Keeping a lighthearted view is very important and knowing to laugh at funny things keeps a positive outlook on life, according to junior Addison Vance, which is what Until Tomorrow Challenge is striving for.

“I think during these times challenges like this one cheer people up and remind us that what’s happening now isn’t forever,” Vance said.

New challenges pop up day by day and are giving the opportunity to keep community involvement even if it is from a screen. With COVID-19 keeping people isolated and inside, social media gives a platform for communication from the comforts of one’s home.