Concerts: They Now Mean More

Concerts have always been memorable experiences, but recently they’ve taken on a new meaning.

Concert goers in the pit share in a human experience while listening to their favorite artist.

PHOTO | Suta Lascarya | Flickr

Concert goers in the pit share in a human experience while listening to their favorite artist.

Ears are ringing as people walk out of the crowded venue. Eyes continually scan their surroundings to ensure they don’t lose sight of their group. The streets are filled with Ubers waiting to pick up passengers and the sidewalks flooded with people. All are thinking to themselves “What did I just witness?” 

Concerts have always been memorable experiences that are enjoyed by people of all ages. From intimate local venues to massive stadiums, hundreds of people gather to hear their favorite artists live and experience music in its truest form. Each show is different from the next, some have giant cobras rising from the stage, some have intricately choreographed dance numbers, and some are just the artist having a good time.  

“The best concert I’ve ever been to has to be Harry Styles,” senior Claire Shankland said. “The way he interacts with the crowd and talks to us makes us feel like we’re part of the show too.”

Harry Styles sings “Matilda” on the first night of his Chicago residency at the United Center. (Elle Simon )

The music isn’t what always makes concerts the good time that they are. It’s the people. Strangers who all share a common interest and are all there for the same purpose. Fans create the atmosphere for the concert, positive or negative. 

“The crowd makes the concert,” avid concert goer and music enthusiast Rachel Stang said. “Some of the most fun concerts I’ve ever been to have been the ones where I was able to meet other fans and share in our love for music.”

English rock band, Wolf Alice performs at The Truman on October 8, 2022 (Rachel Stang )

Beyond the atmosphere, concert goers also create connections with one another whether they be for the short time they are in each other’s presence or the long run. The people surrounding each other will be the ones singing, crying, and laughing with each other. Strangers become people with names and faces in a matter of moments. 

“My sister and I became close with the people we stood in line with for GA,” Shankland said. “It  was good having a larger group than just us two and definitely made it more fun!” 

In a post pandemic world, the community and connections created at concerts have taken on a new meaning. Concerts have become a symbol of finally being able to be together again after living in isolation and fear for many months. They are the experience that people longed for and looked forward to in the depths of lockdown and separation from one another. 

Phoebe Bridgers performs at the Starlight Theatre on her Reunion tour. (Rachel Stang)

“My first concert post-COVID was Phoebe Bridgers,” Stang said. “It was so powerful, especially post-COVID. Her music tends to be sad and it was very cathartic to share in that after such a tough time.”  

The memories and connections created at concerts have always had an impact on people’s lives, but now the people that meet and the shared experience that everyone in the venue has means more. Concerts are a powerful reminder that people are what matter the most in this world and that it’s people who have the biggest impact on the lives of others. 

“It’s easy to forget how amazing music is when there’s so many distractions like TV and social media,” Stang said. “But a good concert will remind me why music is my favorite thing in the world.”