First All School Mass of the School Year

Students gather for the first all school mass in two years.

  • An important part of the decorations is the statue of Mary at the left of the altar.

  • Prepping time for the mass; sophomore Genesis Martinez Porras and Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman test out the microphone before mass.

  • Preparation of the altar is a big part of mass. Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino Dressman sets up the altar for mass.

  • Campus Ministry Leader, Stephanie Pino-Dressman welcomed the students to the first all-school mass since February 2020.

  • Excited to be back to all school gatherings, Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman discusses what it feels like to be back with everyone in the gym.

  • Time to gather around; Father Sunoj Thomas starts off mass with a warm welcome to the whole school.

  • Senior Olivia Mancina leads the school in song between readings.

  • Join in song together as Grand Choeur director Elizabeth Mulkey conducts Grand Choeur.

  • A look into what goes on behind the scenes. Sophomores Mary Margret Perkins and Angela Deflorio take control of the sound board as AV Club Sponsor Maddie Helm confers with them.

  • Preparing for communion, Father Sunoj Thomas blesses the wine.

  • Taking the bread of Christ. Principal of Academics Ellen Carmody receives the Eucharist.

  • Music and serenity in time of prayer. As students take the Eucharist and pray to themselves, Grand Choeur and conductor Elizabeth Mulkey fills the gym with music.

  • Finishing up with the mass. Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman gives the students and faculty the announcements for the day.

  • Concentration is key. Grand Choeur conductor Elizabeth Mulkey leads the choir and keeps them on beat.

  • Following the soloist in the song is important. Leading the Grand Choeur is one of the soloists, senior Olivia Mancina.

  • In unison the students and Grand Choeur sing the school song. Grand Choeur lifts their hands while singing the ending of the school song.

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  • Excited to be back to all school gatherings, Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman discusses what it feels like to be back with everyone in the gym.

  • Time to gather around; Father Sunoj Thomas starts off mass with a warm welcome to the whole school.

  • Senior Olivia Mancina leads the school in song between readings.

  • Join in song together as Grand Choeur director Elizabeth Mulkey conducts Grand Choeur.

  • A look into what goes on behind the scenes. Sophomores Mary Margret Perkins and Angela Deflorio take control of the sound board as AV Club Sponsor Maddie Helm confers with them.

  • Preparing for communion, Father Sunoj Thomas blesses the wine.

  • Taking the bread of Christ. Principal of Academics Ellen Carmody receives the Eucharist.

  • Music and serenity in time of prayer. As students take the Eucharist and pray to themselves, Grand Choeur and conductor Elizabeth Mulkey fills the gym with music.

  • Finishing up with the mass. Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman gives the students and faculty the announcements for the day.

  • Concentration is key. Grand Choeur conductor Elizabeth Mulkey leads the choir and keeps them on beat.

  • Following the soloist in the song is important. Leading the Grand Choeur is one of the soloists, senior Olivia Mancina.

  • In unison the students and Grand Choeur sing the school song. Grand Choeur lifts their hands while singing the ending of the school song.

  • Preparation of the altar is a big part of mass. Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino Dressman sets up the altar for mass.

  • Campus Ministry Leader, Stephanie Pino-Dressman welcomed the students to the first all-school mass since February 2020.

  • Prepping time for the mass; sophomore Genesis Martinez Porras and Campus Ministry Leader Stephanie Pino-Dressman test out the microphone before mass.

  • An important part of the decorations is the statue of Mary at the left of the altar.

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