Freshmen Make a Difference Through Service

Freshmen ventured to 12 organizations in the Kansas City area to fulfill their day of service.

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The freshmen class went on their day of service where they traveled across the city to 12 different organizations Oct. 19. Prior to the day of service, freshmen filled out a questionnaire to ensure that where they were volunteering would be a good fit.

Theology Curriculum Coordinator and Service Learning Co-Coordinator Jessica Hull described the different things the freshmen were doing at each organization.

“What they did all depended on the site that they go to. At Early Futures Early Education Center they are in the classroom with kids, at Kansas City Hospice they were baking and passing out cookies. So it really just depends,” Hull said.

The one organization that was added to the list this year was Journey House. Journey House is a transitional home for women that were coming out of prison that was started by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Here, these women can find a place where they can get back on their feet, receive treatment for addiction and other counseling so they can get reintegrated into society. At Journey House the students helped clean and organize storage cabinets as well as worked in the garden according to freshman Kristina Kreidler.

“I also thought it was amazing how after everything these women have been through they all had a plan to get their life back on track,” Kreidler said. “After I got home from the Journey House I thanked my mom for always being there and just always encouraging me to be my best.”

Freshman Dennise Chavez-Carmona wants to pursue a career in the medical field so volunteering at St. Luke’s Hospital and Kansas City Hospice House fit her perfectly.

“I would really like to volunteer there regularly because I would get to interact with people and that’s what I like to do the most,” Chavez-Carmona said. “I think I’m going to back and I’ve already filled out the volunteer applications.”

The diversity of organizations to volunteer at is designed to help freshmen find where they like to volunteer and the different type of volunteer work they can do. This will make service more than just a graduation requirement but a passion.