Father’s Club Starts the Year Off with Donuts

Father’s club invites dads and daughters to spend time together over breakfast on late start Thursdays.

The Father’s Club will host a Dads, Daughters and Donuts event Sept. 14. It will be held in Gym at 7:30am and end at 8:30. The purpose for the breakfast is to kick off the Father’s Club and give an outline of activities and events that will be happening throughout the year, according to Father’s Club President Ty Ritter.

“We want to get our dad community engaged in our community and to find out what events the can be apart of this year,” Father’s Club faculty liaison Sarah Johnson said.

All Father’s Club activities are designed to have dads and their daughters spend time together by going to different events. These events are also an opportunity to meet other Sion dads.

“I’m really looking forwards to going to Dads, Daughters and Donuts because we don’t have a lot of opportunities to do events with our dad’s outside of father,daughter dance so it’s fun to just hang out with a bunch of your classmates and your dad,” senior Peyton Dow said.

There will be a short program during the breakfast. Ritter will be talking about the Father Daughter Dance, Father, daughter, grandfather mass and other events that volunteers are needed for or just events to come participate in. Paul Wagner will be talking about the Storm Scrambler that takes place on Friday Sept. 29. Finally, Nick Manning will speak about giving, why it’s so important to give and how to give to the Sion community.

All dads are invited to come out and have donuts, fruit and coffee with their daughters. This is the first time this event will happen and if it becomes popular enough it will become a regular event according to Ritter.

“We are going to have great coffee and delicious donuts, so how can anybody turn that down,” Ritter said. “I hope every dad and daughter can make it.”