Celebrating the French: National French Week

National French Honors Society planned activities for National French Week.

PHOTO | Sela Kincaid

Juniors Phoebe Mullen, Rachel McRae, and Payton Wade sing the school song over the morning announcements Nov. 9.

National French Honors Society celebrated National French Week with activities throughout the week of Nov. 1 to Nov. 9.  Members filled the week with French culture learning opportunities.

Sela Kincaid
Junior and National French Honors Society member Maya Bair says the Hail Mary in French and then follows it in English over morning announcements Nov. 9.

“We usually only talk about our culture, but this week we got to learn a little bit about French culture,” junior Cara Hiatt said. “I think that was a pretty great experience.”

NFHS President Phoebe Mullen was in charge of planning the events. Members put reminder posters all around the school to educate students that National French Week was taking place. Students spread French culture with French morning prayers on three days said by Junior Maya Bair. Bair started Monday with saying the Our Father in French, continuing to say the Our Father Wednesday, then Friday she said the Hail Mary. 

“This week was definitely about culture, like in France they eat a lot of cheese and bread,” Mullen said. “When the French exchange students were here, they told us that we definitely didn’t eat as much bread as them.”

The club passed out French flag tattoos all day Monday. Mullen along with other NFHS members offered croissants with Nutella or brie cheese at every lunch Tuesday. Friday, NFHS members ended the week off with having French students teach the school song (that is in French) at lunches to anyone interested in learning it.

“Their culture is really interesting,” Hiatt said. “It was really fun to learn about.”