Mother Daughter Mass Gives Thanks for Mothers and Grandmothers

The annual Mother-Daughter Mass took place Dec. 5, to coincide with the upcoming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

PHOTO | Allie Dierks

Senior Kelsey Wilcoxson and her mother Kris Wilcoxson bring up the gifts at the Mass Dec. 5.

The annual Mother-Daughter Mass took place Wed. Dec. 5 at 8 a.m. in the gym. All important women in students’ lives were invited to attend including mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends. It is the perfect time to reflect on the Blessed Mother Mary and the blessings of our own mothers and grandmothers, according to Campus Minister Stephanie Pino-Dressman.

“The word Eucharist means thanksgiving,” Pino-Dressman said. “The vast majority of girls are grateful for the women in their life who have been models of faith and try to offer unconditional love. We gather to bless and thank our own mothers and grandmothers.”

The Mass served as the celebration of the Immaculate Conception, a celebration of Mary and motherhood in the Catholic Church. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is Dec. 8 in the Catholic Church.  Senior Cecilia Mohácsi and her mother Michelle Mohácsi gave a reflection about important women in their life including Mohácsi’s grandmother, Agi Mohácsi, and their Advent traditions.

“My mother-in-law’s choice to continue practicing her faith in a then-Communist country, despite being told by a professor she most likely wouldn’t get into University, and then later, secretly leaving the country for freedom of religion for her future children has always inspired me,” Michelle said. “The faith lessons I take from her life are having perseverance, hope, trust in God, humility and gratitude, all qualities which are so relatable to the meaning of Advent.”

A special ceremony took place honoring all past Mother’s Club presidents during the Mass. After the conclusion of Mass, seniors had the opportunity to participate in a reception with their guests for coffee and donuts in the New Grande Salle during first hour.

Freshman Lizzy Hoffman receives the Eucharist during Mass Dec. 5.


“My favorite part about this tradition is when grandmothers arrive early, and they are so excited to be at Sion with their family,” Pino-Dressman said. “I also enjoy seeing some of the moms and daughters that have so much in common in physical appearance. Then others are alike with their laugh, rolling of eyes, or other little personality quirks that are fun to watch in motion.”

Fr. Richard Storey, pastor at Curé of Ars, presided at Mass for the first time. For students that attended Curé of Ars, it was a nice surprise to see their former priest according to junior Anna Frerker, Curé of Ars alumna.

“I have always loved how short and effective his homilies are,” Frerker said. “He always gets his point across but in less time.”

For some, this Mass was the first Mother-Daughter Mass they have attended and was a special experience, especially for freshman Ashley Ulowetz who has heard about traditions like this from her mother, Kim Delaney Ulowetz ‘88 and sisters Laney Ulowetz ‘16 and Haley Ulowetz ‘18.

“My favorite part was getting to sing the school song with my mom since she also went here,” Ulowetz said.  “I wish I would have been able to go with my sisters and have that special time with them as well.”