De-Stress Yourself

Sarah Buchanan shares her stories to empower students during Jan. 14 Lunch and Learn.

PHOTO | Photo courtesy of Allie Dierks

Indulge founder Sarah Buchanan talks to students at the Lunch and Learn Jan. 14, during the junior/senior lunch period.

Indulge founder Sarah Buchanan led the Lunch and Learn Jan. 14 in the gym, to teach students about ways to de-stress and be present. 

“She is so interesting,” sophomore Anna Gordon said. “She’s just herself and doesn’t change herself and what she does for others.”

Buchanan discussed how she grew unhappy with her job in advertising and wanted to escape from the pressures of her work to become more centered and excited to live her life. This led her to create Indulge, a company that she created for anyone who wants to learn better ways to have self-care and strength.

“The definition of success is usually about money, title, status and I think that you shouldn’t describe those things as real success,” Buchanan said. “Real success feels a lot happier; it’s not just a list of bullet points. The best way I can explain it is that it feels like a little puzzle piece that fits perfectly into my chest.”

Buchanan pointed out the importance of student being true to how they feel and listening to their bodies and minds. An exercise she used to help students relax includes imagining taking off various pieces of clothing, like a coat and a hat, to symbolize letting go of stress and worry. 

“It was very informative,” junior Sydney Crouch said. “She was very open with her success how she changed her life and didn’t wait for it to change itself.”

    Crouch states what she learned from the event and the advice that Buchanan shared with the group. Buchanan’s website showcases upcoming events that she is holding. Some events are for people in leadership positions at work and others are for those who need inspiration.

   “She gave a lot of great advice,” junior Elyse Makar said. “I feel like I can definitely be more authentic and stop comparing myself to other people.”

Watkins along with history teacher Jennifer Brown-Howerton organized the Lunch and Learn through Women’s Awareness Club. It was initially planned to be Nov. 6, but due to a snow day was rescheduled. Buchanan was flexible in plans and was able to come today and share her experiences.

“I knew she would inspire people and I think it was great,” Women’s Awareness Club President senior Grace Watkins said.“A bunch of girls have told me how they loved it and felt empowered.”

    Buchanan goes to the gym around three to four times a week, but she also emphasizes that the gym is not necessary for de-stressing and isn’t for everyone. For those interested in fitness, Buchanan hosts classes, like yoga to get people active. There are a couple of class dates people can join on her website, to calm down and leave worries and stress somewhere else.

“I really enjoy coming out to young crowds and help students realize that they don’t have to fit into a certain brand, to be yourself and be authentic,” Buchanan said.