Dinner at the Sheraton or Breakfast at Tiffany’s?

Father-daughter dance draws inspiration from classic movie Feb. 10.


  • While at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10, seniors Scout Neely and Tori Beaver dance to the live-music band KOKOMO. It was the band’s 35th year performing at the event.

    PHOTO | Dani Rotert
  • After dinner, senior Keely Roudebush and her father Forrest Roudebush move to the dance floor at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10.

  • Senior Sade-Joy Dugbo and her father listen and dance to the live music from the band KOKOMO at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10.

    PHOTO | Dani Rotert
  • Senior fathers Ronnie Conner, Joe Nastasi and John Schorgl sing a parody edition of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” to their senior daughters at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10.

    PHOTO | Dani Rotert
  • Sophomore Laila Foy dances to the live music by KOKOMO at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10. Pearls, sunglasses and mini-tiaras were handed out to guests to reflect the theme, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

  • Senior Gwyn Powell and her father Wayne Powell take a selfie before going into the ballroom for dinner at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10. Before dinner, coffee, donuts and hot chocolate were available to guests.

    PHOTO | Dani Rotert
  • Before dinner was served at the father-daughter dance, junior Lauren Mead reaches for an old fashion donut Feb. 10. Coffee, hot chocolate and other drinks were also served to guests.

    PHOTO | Dani Rotert
  • Freshman Kenzie Warren and her father David Warren dance together at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10.

  • Freshmen Liv Zendor and Lydia Poe twirl each other on the dance floor at the father-daughter dance Feb. 10. The theme for the dance was Breakfast at Tiffany’s and students were asked to wear pearls to reflect the theme.

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Fathers and daughters were transported back to the 1960’s at the annual father-daughter dance with the theme of Breakfast at Tiffany’s Feb. 10 at the Sheraton Hotel.

“Father-daughter was such a nice experience,” senior Elizabeth Puthumana said. “It felt a lot more special this year since it was mine and my dad’s last year.”

Many students reflected the theme of Breakfast at Tiffany’s by wearing dark dresses and pearls. Members of the staff and other volunteers handed out plastic pearls for the students. Jewels and Tiffany blue colored decorations adorned the tables both outside and inside the ballroom at the hotel. There was a candy station with Tiffany blue candies and donuts served before the dinner service. The theme continued into dinner as parfaits and quiches were served to go along with the breakfast theme.

“I loved the decorations, and the theme was really fun,” sophomore Maggie McKinney said. “I especially loved the table decorations and the Sion&Co bags.”

During the social hour before dinner, the fathers, students and their friends were given the opportunity to take pictures at photo booths with props like tea cups and a Tiffany blue telephone. One photo booth could connect directly to social media while the other was a traditional print-out style.

“I also loved taking photo booth pictures dressed as Audrey Hepburn with my friends,” McKinney said. 

After dinner, the guests hit the dance floor listening to live music from the band Kokomo. This was Kokomo’s 35th year performing at the father-daughter dance.

“I liked watching everyone’s dads dance and get really into the atmosphere on the dance floor,” senior Kelsey Wilcoxson said. “I also really enjoyed the dads’ song.”

Just like every father-daughter dance, the senior class sang a song to their dads and their fathers sang a song back to them. This year, the senior dads changed the lyrics from The Tokens’ “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” After the dads, the seniors sang a rendition of Ariana Grande’s “Thank you, Next” changing the lyrics to “Thank You, Dad” to close out the night.

“It was my first and last father-daughter,” Wilcoxson said. “My dad and I would usually go do our own thing on the night of father-daughter, but I feel like being around everyone else was fun especially considering it was our last chance.”