Car Raffle Raises Money Ahead of Gala

The car raffle committee is continuing to raise tickets before the Gala on March 2.

Students have been raising money for the school by selling car raffle tickets ahead of the Sion Gala and Auction taking place on March 2. 

“The committees been doing really well,” Car Raffle Co-Chair senior Victoria Farrington said. “We changed a lot of things this year but everyone was really receptive and helpful with the changes.”

The holder of the winning ticket will receive a car donated from Molle Toyota and the student who sold the winning ticket will win $200. This year the ticket price was increased from $25 to $50. According to Farrington, the committee wants to raise $31,000 for the school this year.

“Our goal is to raise the most amount of money we can for the school this year,” Farrington said.

The class that sells the most tickets gets a week of civvies and an ice cream truck visit. Seniors are in the lead, followed by sophomores, then freshmen, and juniors are in last place. 

“As a committee, we are trying really hard with the new ticket prices,” committee member junior Brie Bowes said. “But we are hoping people step up and start selling.”

The school currently only needs to sell 78 more tickets by March 1, before the goal of selling 600 tickets has been reached. If the school reaches the goal, there will be no school on March 18, the Monday following Spring Break.

“I hope that we can get the day off after spring break,” senior Grace Watkins said. “I know that it is really encouraging people to sell more.”

The committee has been pushing the students to sell their tickets before the deadline on March 1 with multiple incentives for students. They have changed the ticket goal from 700 to now 600 tickets to be sold as a school.

“Once students sell five tickets, they are allowed to wear sweatpants, as well as get treats every Friday, said event manager Molly Fisher.

After selling five tickets, students automatically get into the Car Raffle Breakfast club. Girls get a coffee tumbler and sweatpants they can wear instead of skirt thru the Friday before the Gala. They also receive coffee on Monday and Friday mornings, as well as pop tarts Friday mornings thru  March 1st.

The link to sell tickets can be reached here