Stuco Election Season Begins
The months of March and early April marks three different sets of Stuco elections.
PHOTO | Kelly Nugent
Sophomore Mikayla Gunther was elected as Executive Secretary last spring, following her speech on March 28, 2018. Speeches and elections for Executive Officer positions will be held March 19.
From Feb. 25 to April 5, Stuco sign ups and elections will be going on for Executive Officers, Class Officers, Student Advisery Council and Representatives.
School officer elections and speeches will be held March 19 in the gym, followed by voting. Class officers speeches and elections will be March 26 with the speeches given at the class meetings for each respective grade. Finally, the SAC and Rep elections, which have no speeches, will be April 5 during lunch.
“I feel like more involvement is always better,” Stuco sponsor Jennifer Brown-Howerton said. “Even if you’ve ever been interested in running for student council, I encourage you to come talk to me or to a current student council member to know exactly what’s expected.”
Executive Officer positions require the students running to make a speech in front of the school at an assembly and are voted on by the entire student body. The secretary position can only be held by a sophomore, so only current freshmen can run for it. The vice president position is held by a junior and current sophomores run for it. The president position is held by a senior and current juniors run for it. Sophomore Mikayla Gunther is the current secretary for the school, and she likes having a position of leadership within the school.
“I think it’s special that we get to meet with administration and talk about what we can do to make our school better,” Gunther said. “We get to give them suggestions and let them know what’s going on with student life.”
Class officer elections require a speech given at class meetings, and the positions available are president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The positions are voted on by the class. Senior Sarah Tappan is the president of the senior class and said she likes being able to participate in organizing her grade’s activities like planning the graduation dresses.
“I am a voice for them and get to work on making things easier for them,” Tappan said. “I ran for a class officer position because I wanted to take on a leadership role for my class to make sure they had a fun and informed year.”
Finally, SAC and Representative positions will be held during lunch. There are no speeches and students only need to sign up to get their name on the ballet. Brown-Howerton suggests running for Stuco since students can become involved and meet new people.
“I love participating in Stuco because of the responsibility you learn, but also because it is a really fun group of girls,” Tappan said. “I would definitely suggest it to others and encourage them to run for positions in Stuco.”