Seniors Prepare for a Sexual Assault Awareness Month

A presentation on sexual assault, a bake sale and a movie watch party are included in the events held during April.

Audrey Yazell from MOCSA explains Title IX regulations as a part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month March 28.

As a part of their senior service project, seniors Maggie Carr and Kathleen McDaniel organized activities for Sexual Assault Awareness Month for the month of April including a presentation from the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault, a bake sale, viewing of the film “RBG” and a lunch and learn.

MOCSA kicked off the activities with a presentation in the gym, March 28. This year’s theme is “I will believe, support, advocate”. There will be a bake sale and a viewing and discussion of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg movie throughout the month. Last year, this event was organized by then-senior Carolyn Dickey. 

“I thought it was very important to continue what Carolyn Dickey was doing, especially since we are an all girls community,” McDaniel said. ”It’s something that affects us all.”

The assembly focused on defining sexual assault and consent, as well as Title IX regulations. MOCSA representatives Kelsey Saragnese and Audrey Yazell gave the presentation. Saragnese focused on education about sexual assault, while Yazell focused on Title IX.

“Our big focus this year is Title IX,” Carr said. “We think it’s very important for girls to be educated on their rights, particularly with the change in legislation coming up.”

The Title IX presentation aimed to help students learn their rights, with a special focus for seniors getting ready for college next year. Title IX has become an important piece of legislation for college students. Yazell focused on what to do and how to get help on student campuses.

“I hope that people will know their rights, and know that they have resources available to them,” Saragnese said. “Hopefully it will make a safer culture in general.”

Students are allowed to wear the SAAM shirts every Friday during April and for the sexual assault presentation. Students had the opportunity to buy shirts last year, but are still available for purchase at downtown Kansas City RayGun store or online for $23. A portion of the proceeds will be given back to MOCSA. Last year, senior Melissa Koppers bought a shirt in order to give her support to the cause. 

       “I think that it’s really that we can visibly show our support at school,” senior Melissa Koppers said.“I can’t wait to wear my shirt this year and show my support.”

Women’s Awareness Club will host a bake sale Wednesday, April 3. Each purchase will also include a teal ribbon to support awareness. Later in the month students will have the opportunity to watch the Ginsburg movie “RBG” during the late start time Thursday, April 25 in the library starting at 8:00 a.m. The movie follows the life of the Supreme Court Justice and how her cases changed the way gender discrimination was viewed legally. Students will then have an opportunity to discuss the movie through a Lunch and Learn discussion Tuesday, April 30. Juniors and seniors can meet in the library at 10:45 a.m. and freshman and sophomores at 11:40 a.m..

“We wanted to make this bigger and different each year so each class learns something new,” Carr said.