Climbing into a New Experience

Rock Climbing Club ventures off-campus to practice climbing.

PHOTO | Sela Kincaid

Senior Savana Mayer climbs a route in the cave area of the gym.

Co-presidents of Rock Climbing Club seniors Savana Mayer and Molly Hudak hosted a non-school sponsored indoor rock climbing excursion to APEX Climbing Gym for the club April 18. 

“I have only done it once before, during last years club and it was really fun,” junior Sam Shively said. “So I decided I would do it again, to see how I improved.”

With Hudak beginning to climb in Aug. of 2016 and Mayer in 2017, they both decided in the summer of 2017 going into their junior year, that they would start the rock climbing club together. The club is sponsored by Spanish teacher Alicia Gomez. The meetings usually include talking about rock climbing and watch videos of rock climbers. 

“I like to climb and I thought maybe other people at Sion would as well.” Hudak said, “So I figured I would make this club.”

Sela Kincaid
Senior Molly Hudak swings around the cave, using a new style of climbing.

Rock climbing is divided into levels from easiest to hardest. Levels start at VV, the easiest, and go up to V16, but usually indoors places only go up to V10. This is because it is hard to make the higher levels inside rather than just going out in nature. APEX Gym goes up to V10 and each wall of the gym varies in difficulty.

“My favorite climb is any in the cave or in that area,” Hudak said. 

At APEX climbs can vary for each person because rock climbing is an individual sport. Different climbs will be easier for different people depending on their reach and strength.

“Climbing is great for everyone,” Hudak said. “If you think you are too weak, chances are you’re a beginner.”

Rock climbing takes patience and determination, but it is not the hardest sport to get good at quickly, according to Hudak.

“It’s one of the easiest sports to improve on initially,” Hudak said. 

Once you get involved in the sport, there are many options for your climbing. There is indoor, outdoor, and many other more strategic ways to climb. Rather than relying on muscle and strength, rock climbing is also a puzzle that can be solved in many different ways.

“By the time you get to a decent level, you already love it enough to work harder.” Hudak said, “Even though its more difficult to improve.”