Spirit Week Preview

Spirit week begins Sept. 9 and ends Sept. 13 with Field Day.

PHOTO | Cecilia MohacsĂ­

Junior Brynna Dow dances at last year’s field day Sept. 23, 2018. This year’s spirit week is Sept. 9 through Sept. 13. Field day is Friday, Sept. 13 following a half-day of classes.

Spirit week will last from Monday, Sept. 9 to Friday, Sept. 13. The themes go as followed:

Monday- Pattern Day

Tuesday- Area 51

Wednesday- Devils and Angels

Thursday- Generation Day with freshman as babies, sophomores as awkward stage, juniors as soccer moms and dads, seniors as senior citizens and faculty as teenagers.

Friday- Purple or White depending on maison colors.

There will be a Penny War between grades throughout the week to raise more money for Sock it to Poverty. Stuco will also host a waffle breakfast Friday at 7:45 a.m. as a way to end Sock it to Poverty and Spirit Week. The final closing to Spirit Week will be the Field Day after a half-day of classes Friday.