Spirit Week Wraps Up

Students celebrated Spirit Week from Sept. 9 through Sept. 13.

This year’s Spirit Week was held Monday, Sept. 9 through Friday, Sept. 13. Students participated in a week filled with creative dress-up themes and fun activities. Gaining excitement for the activities to be held in the following days, things started off with a Pep Assembly held Tuesday, Sept. 10. To conclude the week students celebrated with Field Day following a half-day of classes Friday, Sept. 13.

“I love how creative I can be with the themes for each day,” senior Hannah Sue Kennish said. “My favorite day was generation day, where I dressed up at a grandma.”

With “Patterns,” “Area 51,” “Devils and Angels,” “Generations” and “Purple and White,” this week was full of different costumes. The final activity of this week was Field Day Sept. 13. Field Day concludes Spirit Week every year, it’s filled with games and activities for students. Some of the attractions were water slides, an obstacle course, four square, karaoke and color fun. 

“Today I think I grew a lot closer with my Sion sisters, it’s a great bonding experience.” freshman Carolina O’Byrne said. “I’m really excited to do karaoke with my friends.”