Welcome to Our House

The school recruited a production team Sept. 30 to film a promotional video intended to give prospective students a look at the daily lives of students.

PHOTO | Emma Hutchin

Videographers followed students around school during passing periods and study hall Sept. 30 for the filming of the school’s promotional video for the upcoming Open House Oct. 20.

Students were involved in the making of an Open House promotional video, Monday, Sept. 30, by answering questions about their experiences in and around the school. 

“It was definitely nerve-wracking being interviewed because I didn’t want to say the wrong thing,” senior Maya Bair said. “I wanted to do the best job possible representing Sion through this video.”

Questions about growing in faith, developing a love for learning and the possibility of leadership were among the many included in the video. Associate Marketing Director Haley Jeffrey incorporated themes of ‘sisterhood’ while also bringing to light the global connections fostered within the 22 schools around the world. 

Emma Hutchin
A production team interviewed Senior Maya Bair Sept. 30 about her experience with the language programs at school. Bair has not only taken French all four years, but also Spanish. The interview will be used in the school’s promotional video for the upcoming Open House Oct. 20.

“We are highlighting academic excellence, interfaith, global connections, sisterhood and student life,” Jeffrey said. “Student involvement is very important as we want to empower our students to voice their opinions and share their experiences.”

Senior Katie Fitzgerald and freshman sister Brynna Fitgerald were interviewed about how the environment has felt like a family. They were asked about hopes they have for each other and what it’s been like going to school together. 

“I talked about the sisterhood of Sion and what it means to come together as a family,” Katie Fitzgerald said. “I see it all the time at our school whether it’s through sports, academics, or the arts.”

The video is being made for promotional reasons in order to show the behind-the-scenes of going to school at a place that focuses on growth and compassion. All middle school girls and their families are invited to attend Open House Oct. 20 to learn more about the school’s mission and background. 

“We want to capture the Sion difference,” Jeffrey said. “Sion is much more than academics, we are a place of love that helps shape the whole person. It’s a place that will help you lay a solid foundation that you can confidently stand on as you become an adult.”