Walk into a Winter Wonderland

Winter Formal is Saturday, Dec. 7.

Seniors Chesney Meidel and Elizabeth Finn dance it out at last year’s Winter Formal Dec. 2, 2018.

The annual Winter Formal dance is Saturday, Dec. 7 from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

The doors will close at 7:30 p.m. and will reopen at 8:30 p.m. Ticket sales were emailed to the student body by Stuco sponsor Jennifer Brown-Howerton. Prices for a couples ticket is $25 and for a single ticket, it is $15. Students will need to have purchased by 5:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6 to ensure that they will be in the dance.

“The money from the ticket ends up going to the Student Activities Fund which gives the school an update that is suggested by the student body,” Brown-Howerton said.

Students and their date will both need to bring a school I.D. Each student that bought a ticket will have their name on a spreadsheet when they come in to show that they bought a ticket. Dress codes will be enforced at the dance by assistant principal of student life Fran Koehler.

“Don’t do it,” Koehler said. “Why buy an inappropriate dress when you can buy an appropriate one and look and feel beautiful and be in compliance with school policy.” 

Stuco decided that this year there won’t be a theme to the dance. Stuco will decorate the gym and New Grand Salle in twinkling lights and with gold accenting colors. There will be a photo booth which is new this year. students that be open to all students to capture the memories of the night.

“I think the photo booth will be a fun addition to the dance; I was the one who contacted the company and got to see the backgrounds for the pictures and they look really good,” executive vice president Mikayla Gunther said. “I think it will make a lot of people’s nights getting to photograph the moment.”