Annual Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass Upholds Tradition

Students gathered with mothers and grandmothers for the annual Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass Nov. 5.

PHOTO | Callie Cameron

Father Sunoj Thomas precided over the annual Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass Nov. 5 in the gym.

The annual Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass was held Nov. 5 in the gym and Father Sunoj Thomas presided. The Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass has been a Sion tradition held every year. 

“It’s fun seeing my mom during the day and we go have breakfast before it so it’s kind of a little tradition in the morning to look forward to,” junior Sophia Allen said. 

Callie Cameron
Seniors Elizabeth Finn and Allie Dierks hold hands during the Mass service Nov. 5 at the annual Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass. Finn and Dierks both offered presentations during the Mass alongside their mothers.

During the Mass, Kris Townsend, mother of senior Oliva Townsend and freshman Grace Townsend, gave a speech as the new president of the Alliance Club, formerly known as the Mother’s Club, for next year. 

“It’s really special because I get to be with my two girls but also it is the beginning of the advent where our Holy Mother Mary provides the best example so we do our best,” Kris said. 

Freshman Paige Dernier experienced Mother Daughter Mass with her mom for the first time in her Sion career. Entering this tradition, Dernier said she was eager to spend this time with her mother.  

“It was fun to just hang out with my mom and meet some of my friends’ moms that I hadn’t met before,” Dernier said. 

As senior Elizabeth Finn’s last Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass, Finn said she wanted to be apart of the Mass. Finn emailed Stephanie Pino-Dressman, Director of Campus Ministry, to ask how to get involved. Finn presented the Mass intentions and her mom Julie Finn said the readings. 

“I knew it would be a good way to get involved. I just really like coming together and it was super special because this is my last year.” Finn said. “ It’s a time to reflect on all that Sion has given me and that my parents are able to send me here so it was awesome to just enjoy that with my mom.”

Callie Cameron
The Mother-Daughter-Grandmother Mass is a deep-rooted school tradition. Presided over by Father Sunoj Thomas, students were invited to bring their mothers and grandmothers to the Mass Nov. 5.

The Dierks family presented the Mass reflection. During their speeches, they addressed their Christmas Eve tradition of noodle making for four generations.

“We talked about how Jesus doesn’t skip a generation,” freshman Emily Dierks said. “His love doesn’t skip a generation.”   

 Another Sion tradition includes the Senior breakfast reception. After the Mass, a reception was put together with coffee, orange juice, donuts, pastries and fruit for the senior families in the Grande Salle.

“The reception is nice because I get to socialize with my other friends, and my mom can meet a lot of their moms,” Finn said. “It’s just fun to enjoy it, eat some food and catch up with my mom because we can be super busy.”