Catholic Schools Week Kicks Off Jan. 27

In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 27-31, students will participate in a variety of events geared towards peer bonding, the school’s history and religious leaders in the community.

As the kick off to Catholic Schools Week, seniors and freshmen met up for a Peer Ministry meeting during lunch and study hall Jan. 27. Freshman Makaila Traylor, senior Maya Scott and senior Elizabeth Crabtree write on the white board their answers to the discussion question "Why I love Sion."

PHOTO | Jenna Barackman

As the kick off to Catholic Schools Week, seniors and freshmen met up for a Peer Ministry meeting during lunch and study hall Jan. 27. Freshman Makaila Traylor, senior Maya Scott and senior Elizabeth Crabtree write on the white board their answers to the discussion question “Why I love Sion.”

This week is Catholic Schools Week, and it is filled with activities lead and prepared by members of the theology department. Every day this week during morning announcements, a guided prayer honoring a Sister of our school will be read over the intercom. Sisters that will be honored include Mother Marie Augustine, Srmm Marie Emmanuel, Sr. Patricia Fox, Sr. Lucienne Merek and Sr. Mary Ellen Coombe. 

Kicking off the week of activities Monday, Jan. 27, the seniors and freshmen had their monthly peer ministry luncheon in the Grande Salle. During lunch, each small group was given a prompt of “Why I love Sion” to discuss. Using that same prompt for sophomore and junior lunch periods, a section of the cafeteria was also dedicated for students to take pictures with small whiteboards where they can caption the day’s prompt. The cafeteria tables held information sheets about the school through the decades. Students were also offered the opportunity for an after school service trip to Micah Ministry. 

“Having time to bond with the freshman is opening me up to another group of people that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten to know,” peer minister senior Maya Scott said. “It’s always good to see how they are doing and being able to not only have them learn from you, but you can learn something from them as well.”

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Catholic Schools Week: Peer Ministers and the Class of 2023 share why they love Sion!

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Eucharistic Adoration will be on Tuesday, Jan. 28. An invitation was sent to parents via email in preparation for this week. During all lunch periods, plastic displays will be set out on all tables and will hold quotes on the value of solitude and silent prayer. On Wednesday, Jan. 29, an 8:00 a.m. family rosary will be held in the chapel and will be led by junior Emma Aguayo. Wednesday will also be the annual women in ministries luncheon, held in the Grande Salle, with 21 women in ministry who are Catholic sisters, Catholic lay leaders or non-Catholic ministers and leaders. 

“I always get most excited about the women in ministry luncheon,” theology curriculum coordinator Jessica Hull said. “These women are amazing and their commitment to their calling is so unique.”

Thursday, Jan. 30, will be an all-school Mass with a focus on different cultures. Four languages will be used throughout the Mass and that theme will also continue in the music as the choir will represent world sound. During Mass, there will also be a discussion about “The Event of January 20, 1842,” for it will be the 175th anniversary for Notre Dame de Sion. During lunches, students will also be given bread from around the world, such as pitas and tortillas along with hummus, according to Pino-Dressman. 

“The theme is loving the mission,” director of campus ministry Stephanie Pino-Dressman said.”We’re going to try to and have parts of the mass in English, Spanish and French. And then we’ll focus on the story of the Ratisbonne brothers and the apparition of Mary.”

To end the week Friday, Jan. 31, Theology teachers may invite women in ministry to speak directly to the focus of their course. Lastly, students again will have information sheets at their lunch tables with stories about graduates and how they are contributing to the world.