Student Council Results

Student council elections come to a close.

PHOTO | Kate Vankeirsbilck

The class Representatives and Student Advisory Council for the 2020-21 school year announced Friday, March 6.

Next year’s Student Advisory Council and class representatives were announced March 6 at 2:45 p.m. over the intercom, finishing off this year’s round of elections.

For each grade, there are four positions for representatives and two for SAC. As a representative and a SAC member, they work as representatives for each class. The difference between the two is that SAC will meet with administration and discuss issues that have been brought up by students and solutions for them. They serve as the direct connection to administration from the student body.

“Student Council offers students an opportunity to grow leadership skills. Students elected to Stuco meet weekly to plan and implement school-wide events,” Stuco sponsor Jennifer Brown-Howerton said. “It is always important to have a student voice represented in all we do.” 

The rising senior class representatives are juniors Keely Schieffer, Ruby Wright, Shannon Karlin and Maggie McKinney. The four representatives ran unopposed, but the SAC members that ran were juniors Katelyn Brinkman, Brynna Dow and Grace Dobbels. The elected SAC members are Brinkman and Dow for the next year. Each of the members has been on Stuco in the past.

“My favorite part on Stuco was the fun Friday’s which helped boost school spirit and helped Andy’s family in a time of need,” junior class representative Shannon Karlin said. “Sion will really miss him, but I think if we keep up fun Fridays in memory of him I think it would keep his fun and energetic spirit in the halls.”

The rising junior class representatives will be sophomores Lizzy Hoffman, Sophia Ong, Sofia Aguayo and Sophia McClure. In addition to the elected representatives, sophomore Juliana Vergara also ran in th eelction. The SAC members are sophomores Anna Sheedy and Taylor Crouch. The students that ran for SAC were the two winners and sophomores Kate McCarthy and Grace Power. 

Kate Vankeirsbilck
Sophomores Lizzy Hoffman, Grace Power and Sophia Ong wait to hear about the student council results Friday, March 6.

“I wanted to run because I love being on Stuco and having the ability to voice students’ opinions,” sophomore class representative Sophia McClure said. 

The rising sophomore class representatives will be freshmen Veda Renzulli, Kaitlyn Miller, Katherine Porch and Kate Beaulieu. In addition to the five winners, freshman Carolina O’Byrne also ran for the position. SAC members will be freshmen Emily Dierks and Zahra Parsons who ran unopposed.  

“I’m looking forward to another year of being involved in Sion and getting to know the new group of girls on Stuco,” freshman SAC member Emily Dierks said. 

Kate Vankeirsbilck
Freshmen Reese Chambers, Emily Dierks, Veda Renzulli and Kaitlyn Miller await the student council results Friday, March 6.

The representatives and SAC members will work alongside their classmates that hold the class officer and student body positions. The 2020-2021 student body president is junior Mary Hudak, student body vice president is sophomore Tess Tappan and student body secretary is freshman Sophie Gromowsky. Next year’s senior class president is junior Mikayla Gunther, the vice president is junior Paxton Misemer, treasurer junior Kate Vankeirsbilck and secretary is junior Audrey O’Brien. The junior class president is sophomore Grace Beelman, the vice president is sophomore Lauren Ellwanger, the treasurer is sophomore Carmen Phillips and the secretary is sophomore Ava Albracht. The sophomore class president is freshman Annie Stevens, the vice president is freshman Adaline Huhmann, the treasurer is freshman Anna Golian and the secretary is freshman Brynna Fitzgerald. 

“Each year there is a new team of students elected to lead our student body. I get excited to see what they will choose to focus on and how they will affect change throughout the school year,” Brown-Howerton said.