Celebration Through Quarantine

Jamie Angel organizes drive by parade in celebration of her sister senior Madi Brown’s return from an extended hospital stay.

(photo submitted by Madi Brown)
Senior Madi Brown watches the parade in her driveway Saturday April 18.

Dozens of students, teachers and family members showed up to parade in front of senior Madi Brown’s house to celebrate her getting released from the hospital Saturday, April 18. 

“It was great that as Madi’s friends we were all able to come together to show our support for her even during quarantine,” senior and one of Brown’s friends who attended the parade Fiona Gowin said. 

Brown was hospitalized in early April due to a stroke caused by a blood clot. Brown had multiple surgeries to alleviate the issues, and she is currently resting at home and going to physical therapy. 

“After she spent so much time in the hospital, and the date she would be able to come home kept getting pushed back, it was a relief when she was finally able to go home,” senior and one of Brown’s friends who attended the parade Elizabeth Crabtree said. “We really wanted to do something for her the entire time, but it would have been easier when she was home.” 

The parade was a surprise organized by her sister Jamie Angel in order to cheer up Brown’s spirits and help her realize how many people cared about her, according to Brown.  

“The parade was planned to get everyone together to celebrate Madi being strong and pushing through her circumstances,” Angel said.

Photo by Elizabeth Crabtree
Senior Chloe Meisel’s car after Jamie Angel drew on it to help support Madi during her parade.

Cars lined up in Angel’s cul-de-sac half an hour before the parade started. Jamie walked to all the cars telling them what the plan was and offering to write on the cars with markers with phrases like “we love you Madi” and “love you.”

“Madi has had a huge support team through all of this,” Angel said. “She has amazing friends, family and teachers, and we used the markers to show our love and support.”

The cars, filled with students, teachers and family members filtered out of Jamie’s neighborhood and drove by Brown’s house, circling it twice. Brown and her parents were able to sit and watch the parade from their driveway. 

“[The parade] was kind of overwhelming at first I cried a lot, but it felt really good,” Brown said. “It felt nice to have so many people there to support me. I didn’t expect so many of my teachers, like Madame Bono, to show up, so it was really exciting to see them.”