The Show Must Go On

The annual Tri-M recital was held on April 7th in the gym at 6 P.M.

PHOTO | Catherine Crayon

The Ukulele Club performs “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

As the temperature dropped and the gym filled with parents, friends, and fellow students, 16 girls prepared to perform in the Tri-M recital on April 7. Club leaders choose a nonprofit to support every school year and this year they chose Morning Glory Ministry. Also included in the night of festivities was the induction of sophomores Lauren Millard and Caroline Dold into the Tri-M Music Honor Society.

Morning Glory Ministry is a nonprofit organization committed to feeding the homeless and the food-insecure in the community. They serve 150 people every day, six days a week while also providing various emergency services. It cost $10 for a student to perform and all proceeds went to Morning Glory Ministry. Tri-M Club has raised over $2,000 this school year.

With fluctuating weather circumstances and COVID guidelines to follow, club leaders and seniors Sharon Kramschuster and Mattie Mills were tasked with putting on a recital. Despite last minute changes to move the event indoors due to the weather, the show went on.

“It took a lot of time, effort, and planning to make tonight happen in a safe manner,” Kramschuster said, “We usually have the recital in November, but this year we changed it to April to accommodate COVID-19 precautions.”

Further into the night, Dold played guitar and performed a Lumineers arrangement of “Walls” by Tom Petty alongside Millard on the piano. This was Dold’s second performance of the night.

Sophomore Ellie Meredith performs “Blackbird” by the Beatles soundtrack at the Tri-M recital on April 7. (Catherine Crayon)

“Walls has been one of my favorite songs since I was in the sixth or seventh grade so it means a lot to me,” Dold said, “it’s fairly straight forward so it was easy to play with two people, I think it was the perfect choice.”

Looking on with supportive eyes, music teacher and club sponsor Elizabeth Mulkey has sponsored this club for eight years and performed an original piece titled, “Morning Glories” with English teacher, Casey Engel.

“The recital is definitely my favorite part,” Mulkey said, “But I love seeing the charities they choose and how each leader has unique leadership skills during the planning and performance of the recital.”

Mills has performed at every Tri-M recital since her sophomore year. This year she performed Imagine by John Lennon.

“I feel really happy with how everything turned out,” Mills said, “but it’s very bittersweet to be leaving the fine arts at Sion.”

  • Senior Pritika Manna performs “A Whole New World” from the Aladdin soundtrack at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Sophomore Ellie Meredith performs “Blackbird” by the Beatles soundtrack at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Senior Mattie Mills performs “Imagine” by John Lennon at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • The Ukulele Club performs “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Junior Sofia Aguayo performs “Mia and Sebastian’s Theme” from La La Land at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Sophomore Caroline Dold performs “Follow Through” by The All Together at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Seniors Pritika Manna, Sharon Kramschuster, Mattie Mills, Kathryn Sade (left to right) Grace Steyer, and Emma Aguayo (not pictured) perform “Lean on Me” by Bill Withers at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Members of the Tri-M Music Society induct sophomores Lauren Millard and Caroline Dold at the Tri-M recital on April 7.

  • Tri-M presidents, seniors Mattie Mills and Sharon Kramschuster, sing the school song to close out the Tri-M recital on April 7.

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