Students and Faculty Celebrate Founder’s Day

On Thursday, Jan 20., students and faculty celebrated Founder’s Day and honored Sion’s Jewish roots by participating in mass, and then traveling to Union Station to see the Holocaust memorial exhibit entitled “Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not Far Away.”

  • Bishop Johnston prepares the Eucharist.

  • Bishop Johnston speaks with a guest before mass.

  • Mission Director Annie Riggs speaks about the importance of our Founder’s Day Celebration

  • Students line up to take communion.

  • Student and teachers sing the school song following mass.

  • Bishop James V. Johnston gives the homily.

  • Bishop Johnston speaks about Mary’s role in the foundation of Sion.

  • Sophomore Sarah Lillis reads a prayer during Mass.

  • Principal of Academics Ellen Carmody gives communion to a guest.

  • Principal of Academics Ellen Carmody gives communion to a guest.

  • Students and teachers sing the school song.

  • Students stand as the choir sings during mass.

  • Sophomores Sarah Lillis and Lucy Shively offer each other a sign of peace.

  • Students read Salitter’s report while listening to a presentation.

  • Students gather in Union Station before entering the exhibit.

  • Students and parents read the stories of holocaust victims and perpetrators.

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  • Students view a short film of a Holocaust survivor.

  • French teacher Liz Bono reads about families who lived during the Holocaust.

  • Students read about artifacts from the Holocaust.

  • Students enter the Auschwitz Exhibit at Union Station.

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