Ash Wednesday Mass Photo Gallery
Sion celebrated Ash Wednesday on March 2, 2022 with an all school mass
Elle Simon, Features Editor|Mar 6, 2022
Campus Minister Stephanie Pino-Dressman opens the mass with a speech about the Lenten time
Music teacher Elizabeth Mulkey leads freshman Elwyn Patterson and senior Clara Stribling down the aisle as they play the bells opening mass
Father Sunoj Thomas gives his homily to those in attendance at Ash Wednesday Mass
Father Thomas brings energy to his words while presenting his homily to the congregation
Father Thomas prays a blessing over the ashes as freshman Zaria Fruehwirth holds the lectionary
Father Thomas blesses the ashes with holy water before distributing them to the eucharistic ministers
Theology teacher Bonnie Haghirian receives ashes from Father Thomas
Senior Grace Townsend is anointed with ashes by Father Thomas
Senior Ashley Ulowetz is given her ashes by Father Thomas
Senior Julia Norman is given her ashes by Father Thomas
Junior Emily Dierks walks back to her seat after receiving her ashes
Junior Claire Shankland receives her ashes from Father Thomas
Freshman Mary Schumm is anointed with ashes by Father Thomas
Freshman Amelia Bedell plays her clarinet as a part of the student symphony at mass on Ash Wednesday
Freshman Isabel Heidelmann plays her flute at Ash Wednesday mass as a part of the student symphony
Junior Carolina O’Byrne leads the congregation in song during Ash Wednesday mass
Junior Addie Hiestand reads her music before singing at Ash Wednesday mass
Junior Carolina O’Byrne sings with her fellow cantor sophomore Noelle Bertrand
Father Sunoj Thomas cleans up the Eucharistic vessels after communion
Music teacher, Elizabeth Mulkey closes mass with senior Clara Stribling and freshman Elwyn Patterson as they play the hand bells down the aisle