“Little Women” Photogallery

This year’s musical, “Little Women,” took place Friday, Jan. 20, through Sunday. Jan 22 at the Goppert Theatre at Avila University.

PHOTO | Zahra Parsons

The four March sisters, played by seniors Addie Hiestand and Carolina O’Byrne, junior Noelle Bertrand and freshman Arle McCallon, and Marmee, played by junior Suzanne Sade, gather around the couch to read a letter.

  • The four March sisters, played by seniors Addie Hiestand and Carolina O’Byrne, junior Noelle Bertrand and freshman Arle McCallon, and Marmee, played by junior Suzanne Sade, gather around the couch to read a letter.

  • Beaming with pride, senior Addie Hiestand, playing Jo March, reads a telegram aloud.

  • Hand-in-hand, the four March sisters, played by freshman Arle McCallon, junior Noelle Bertrand and seniors Addie Hiestand and Caroline O’Byrne, pictured left to right, perform “Our Finest Dreams.”

  • Embracing one another, junior Noelle Bertrand and Whitefield Academy junior Henry Schulewitz perform the proposal scene between Meg March and John Brooke.

  • Looking out at the audience, senior Addie Hiestand sings “Astonishing.”

  • Radiating happiness, senior Carolina O’Byrne jumps onto the back of senior Addie Hiestand to finish off the performance of “Five Forever.”

  • Striding across the stage in an elaborate purple gown, senior Caroline Dold performs “Could You.”

  • After declaring Laurie, played by Barstow junior Dyland Markey, as their unofficial brother, senior Addie Hiestand and junior Noelle Bertrand sing “Five Forever.”

  • Barstow junior Dylan Markey sings “Take a Chance on Me.”

  • Contemplating her relationship with Laurie, Jo March, played by senior Addie Hiestand, sings “Astonishing.”

  • Overcome with the joy of being newly engaged, junior Claire Boma, playing older Amy March, sings “The Most Amazing Thing.”

  • Filled with determination, senior Addie Hiestand, playing Jo March, looks out into the audience as if looking towards her future.

  • With a stern look on her face, Aunt March, played by senior Caroline Dold, shares her perspective on the important aspects of womanhood with senior Addie Hiestand.

  • Sitting on the beach, Jo and Beth March, played by seniors Addie Hiestand and Carolina O’Byrne, respectively, reminisce on their childhood memories.

  • Beaming with joy, junior Claire Boma and Barstow junior Dylan Markey perform the engagement announcement scene between Amy and Laurie.

  • Staring lovingly at one another, senior Addie Hiestand and Rockhurst senior Matthew Schneeberger enact the proposal scene between Jo and Professor Bhaer, performing “A Small Umbrella.”

  • Sitting upon a towel at the beach, Marmee and Beth, played by junior Suzanne Sade and senior Carolina O’Byrne, respectively, look for hope and potential for Beth’s recovery.

  • Struck with sadness over their separation, Meg and Mr. Brooke, played by junior Noelle Bertrand and Whitefield Academy junior Henry Schulewitz, respectively, sing “More Than I Am.”

  • Reminiscing on her Sion theatre career, senior Chloe Welch takes her final musical bow.

  • Looking at one another with sad smiles, junior Claire Boma, freshman Arle McCallon, senior Addie Hiestand, junior Noelle Bertrand and senior Carolina O’Byrne, pictured left to right, take their final bow of the show.

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