Field Hockey Says Goodbye to Their Seniors

The stands were filled with fans and family as the field hockey team said goodbye to their four seniors Tuesday Oct. 17.


  • Senior Eden Griffith walks with her parents to the center of the field with the other seniors to recieve flowers from the underclassmen.

  • Seniors Mandy Mayer, Grace Frame, Gillian Cruz and Eden Griffith pose for a picture after receiving gifts and flowers at field hockey senior night Oct. 17.

  • Senior Gillian Cruz walks with her aunt while her favorite field hockey memory is read over the intercom.

  • Senior Grace Frame walks with her parents while her advice to the field hockey team is read over the intercom.

  • Senior Mandy Mayer walks with her parents to the center of the field to receive flowers on field hockey senior night Oct. 17.

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The stands were filled with fans and family as the field hockey team said goodbye to their four seniors on Tuesday Oct. 17. The team celebrated seniors Gillian Cruz, Mandy Mayer, Eden Griffith and Grace Frame for their leadership and their four year commitment to the team.

Before the varsity game, Cruz, Mayer, Griffith and Frame lined up with their parents in the middle of the field. Their names and numbers, where they will be attending for college next year and their favorite field hockey memory was announced over the speaker as they walked towards the crowd. Their junior and sophomore teammates met the seniors at the front of the turf field to give them a bouquet of flowers and a framed photo of the team with a senior field hockey emblem.

“My favorite part of senior night was seeing all the underclassmen there supporting us,” Frame said.

Varsity was defeated 0-5, while JV came out on top with victory of 3-1 against Pembroke Hill. This game was the end of the home season and marked the last home game for the seniors. Because there is no end of the year tournament such as Districts or State for field hockey, the season officially ends at Pembroke Hill Wednesday Oct. 25.

“It was bittersweet to play my last home game,” Cruz said, “I have had a great four years with the team and it’s hard to have it come to an end.”

Seven juniors will step up and take on the leadership positions of the team next season following in the footsteps of their preceding seniors. Although the team is losing three field players and the varsity goalkeeper, the juniors will fill the roll well and take the team far, according to Frame.

“I’m going to miss the seniors,” junior Keely Roudebush said, “I got so close to them this year because it was their last season.”