Cross Country Team Comes Through at Districts

The team finished 6th at the District meet at Lake Jacomo Oct. 20.


Led by junior Lily Henkle and senior Brenna Richart, the cross country team finished 6th as a team in the District cross country meet at Lake Jacomo Oct. 20.

“Considering where we are as a team this year I was really pleased with how we did this year at Districts,” cross country coach Reynold Middleton said. “We had great weather for the meet and I think all the girls competed really well.”

Henkle’s time of 20:52 earned her 10th place, while Richart’s time of 22:24 earned her 29th place. Henkle and Richart will both advance to the sectional meet and will compete at the Wildflower Cross Country Course in Liberty Oct. 27. The top 30 finishers and top four teams from the district meet will compete in the sectional meet.

  • Junior Lily Henkle races towards the finish line at the District cross country meet Oct. 20 at Lake Jacomo. Henkle’s 10th place finish advances her to the sectional cross country meet Oct. 27 in Liberty.

    PHOTO | Molly Conway
  • Senior Rose Orrick and alumna Brenna Richart ’19 cross the one mile mark at the District cross country meet in Lake Jacomo Oct. 20, 2018. Orrick placed 35th and Richart placed 29th and will continue onto the sectional competition.

    PHOTO | Molly Conway
  • Senior Brenna Richart competes in the District cross country meet at Lake Jacomo Oct. 20. Richart’s 29th place finish advanced her to the Sectional meet in Liberty Oct. 27.

    PHOTO | Molly Conway
  • Junior Lily Henkle crosses the one mile mark during the District cross country meet at Lake Jacomo on Oct. 20. Henkle placed 10th overall and will advance to the sectional meet Oct. 27 in Liberty.

    PHOTO | Molly Conway
  • Sophomore Dillan Elmquist crosses the three mile mark at the District cross country meet in Lake Jacomo Oct. 20. Elmquist placed 42nd in the meet.

    PHOTO | Molly Conway
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“Districts went better than I expected them to and I felt really strong while I was running,” Henkle said. “I’m really looking forward to competing in sectionals and am really hoping that I can do well enough to advance to state.”

Other competitors in the district meet included seniors Gretta Allen and Kelsey Wilcoxson, juniors Rose Orrick and Nina Trouve and sophomore Dillian Elmquist. Orrick placed 35th, Trouve 36th, Allen 37th, Elmquist 42nd and Wilcoxson 45th. Although they were sad to see their season come to an end, they are excited for their teammates who get to compete in sectionals and are looking forward to cheering them on, according to Orrick.

“I’m so excited to watch Brenna and lily run together at sectionals, they have both had such a great season,” Orrick said. “Cross country is such a challenging sport and I’m really proud of both of them for getting past districts, I loved running with them this season.”