The Many Managers of the Basketball Team

The basketball team adds some new and old faces to their manager staff this season.

PHOTO | Kamryn Rogers

Juniors Christina Peters and Munachi Okuagu and sophomore Heaven Butler managed during the Blue Valley North Tournament Jan. 15 to 17.






The basketball team has four varsity team managers this season, being the most that the team has had in recent memory, according to Head Coach Kate Pilgreen. Senior Kaitlin Jones, juniors Christina Peters and Munachi Okuagu, and sophomore Heaven Butler, film games, keep stats, give water to players and run the clock during practices. According to Okuagu, the four have to have good communication in order to know who’s going to which particular games and practices that week.

“Our group chat is really beneficial for all of us because we communicate faster,” Okuagu said. “Since there are four of us total, we can work out our schedules a lot easier, and decide which day works best for everyone. “

Originally, only Peters and Okuagu were going to be managers, but Butler decided she also wanted to manage because of her experience last season as JV manager. According to the other managers, Butler is the one who takes the lead on coordinating everyone’s schedules. According to Butler, it’s a lot different this year because of her friendships with some of the other managers and players.

“It was really fun last year and I love the connection on the team,” Butler said. “Plus, it’s a lot easier with more people managing.”

Kamryn Rogers
Basketball manager senior Kaitlin Jones manages during a game against Blue Valley West Jan. 17 at the Blue Valley North tournament.

Jones chose to manage after deciding that she didn’t want to play anymore, but still wanted to be a part of the team. According to Jones, it’s nice because now she can still enjoy the sport, without all of the commitment that came with playing.

“It’s actually really nice,” Jones said. “Being a manager gives me a lot more freedom and with that, I’m able to bond with the team a little bit more.”

According to Pilgreen, sometimes things can get a little hectic. Because the managers communicate within their group chat, Pilgreen is usually out of the loop, but they get their work done and they all work cohesively which is all she cares about.

“It’s sometimes a cluster and I don’t always know what’s going on, yet they have it figured out,” Pilgreen said. “So the more, the merrier.”