Dance Team Performs at Rockhurst

Dance team performed Oct. 18 at Rockhurst High School during halftime.

PHOTO | Kate Vankeirsbilck

Senior Ava Grace Vermillion preps for a turn during the dance team performance at Rockhurst High School Oct. 18. This was Vermillion’s last performance at Rockhurst.

Under bright lights and a screaming crowd, the dance team performed during halftime at the Rockhurst High School football game Oct. 18.

“It was super fun and an exhilarating experience to be out on the field with the crowd watching us and getting us hyped up,” freshman Kaitlyn Miller said.

Their first time performing at Rockhurst, freshmen Reese Chambers and Miller danced to the pom mashup music created by head coach Shelli Vaughan. The dance consisted of leaps, turns and acrobatic tricks. The performance started with junior Kaitlyn Quinn in center field doing three split jumps that led into simultaneous triple pirouettes done by each member of the team. The dance continued for two minutes and ended with a group pose as the team stood and knelt in high V formation.

“They are an amazing group of hardworking athletes and worked very hard to polish their Rockhurst performance routine,” Vaughn said.

Kate Vankeirsbilck
Dancers ready themselves before a leap at their performance during the Rockhurst High School football game Oct. 18.

Performing for the last time at Rockhurst, seniors Ava Grace Vermillion, Olivia Townsend, Libby Slaymaker, Erika Sesler and Allie Dierks performed their competition pom routine. For Vermillion, Townsend, Slaymaker and Dierks this was their fourth and final performance at Rockhurst. Sesler has been on the team for two years and has performed at Rockhurst both years. Each year the team is taught new choreography set to new music for their Rockhurst performance. 

“It was a really awesome experience with the team but also sad because I knew it was the last time I would dance on the Rockhurst field.”senior captain Libby Slaymaker said.