Storming Regionals

Cheer placed sixth at Cheer Regionals at Staley High School Oct. 20.

PHOTO | Sela Kincaid

Senior Captains Brooke McKee, Caroline Knopke and Meg Wilkerson cheer on other teams’ results at Regionals Oct. 20.

While loud music booms and fans clap and scream, Cheer Team hits the crowd with stunts and cheers. Cheer performed at Regionals Sunday, Oct. 20 at Staley High School. This is the first competition of the year for cheer.

“It was my first time performing and it was kind of scary,” sophomore Maggie Carpenter said. “Right before we went on, I was most nervous but it went by quick.”

Last year, Cheer did not make it to Regionals, making this year’s competition a new experience for half the team. For this year’s Regionals, the team competed in the 3A Small Division and went up against seven other teams.

Sela Kincaid
Junior Sophia Allen and junior Emily Bukaty sit with their team while they await the team’s score at Regionals Oct. 20.

“I’m really proud of the team and all that we’ve done,” Senior Captian Rachel McRae said. “I’m disappointed in out placing, but I’m proud of how we worked together.”

Cheer ended Regionals with sixth place. With this score, the team qualifies to continue to State Nov. 16 and 17. 

“I’m really excited to see where this year takes us.” Head Coach Tabby McCarthy said. “We can always improve our routines and continue to strive for our best.”