In the Comets vs Strykers game defender Chase Peterson attempts to steal the ball from a Stryker player.
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On Feb. 10, the Comets won their home game 7- 2.
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In third quarter of the game Comets lead 4-1, as the ball gets stolen by a Stryker defender.
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The Comets gain momentum on a forward run in the third quarter only to be stopped by the defense.
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Fighting for the ball Comets player Jacob Garza assists his teamate.
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Midfielder Michael Lenis passes up to his teammates in the first quater of the Comet’s game Feb. 10.
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Comet’s forward Rian Marques protects the ball from Stryker’s defender.
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Lucas Sousa scores a goal for the Kansas City Comets in the first quarter bringing the game to 1-3 Comets in the lead.
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Comet’s forward Ramone Palmer passes the ball to midfielder Henry Ramirez in the third quarter.
PHOTO | Ella Alexander
Kansas City Comets crush the Empire Strykers
The Kansas City Comets come out on top after a seven game losing streak, winning against the Strykers 7-2.
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Comet’s forward Rian Marques protects the ball from Stryker’s defender.
About the Contributor

Ella Alexander, Co-Print Editor-in-Chief
Ella Alexander is a senior and a second-year staffer on Le Journal. She is a co-print Editor-in-Chief and is so excited to lead the publication. She loved covering the Chief’s Super Bowl win last year, as she’s filled with KC pride and spent her childhood Sunday afternoons watching games with her family.