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News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

News and Publications of Notre Dame de Sion

Sion Student Media

Seniors participate in the singing of the school song.

Fall Pep Assembly

Lauren Smith, social media coordinator
Oct 1, 2021
Seniors Megan Broomfield, Kristen Rogge, Chandler Rawson and Emily Kocca, with junior Libby Slaymaker preform the team's kick routine at Nationals Feb. 2.

Dance Team Doubles Down at Nationals

Ava Rawson, Print Editor-in-Chief
Feb 6, 2019

Dance Team Chicagoland Competition Vlog

Erika Sesler, Web Video Content Editor
Jan 29, 2019
Senior Chandler Rawson and alum and former Captain Mary Evans discuss the performance after the competition.

Two Bronze Finishes for the Dance Team

Ava Rawson, Print Co-Editor-in-Chief
Jan 8, 2019
Senior Lily Muehlebach prepares to begin her performance with the dance team at the pep assembly, Sep. 6.

Dance Like There’s No Next Year

Cecilia Mohacsi, Print Co-Editor-In-Chief
Sep 9, 2018
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