Crêpes for a Cause

Seniors held a crêpe sale for their senior service project to raise money for a birthing center in Haiti recently affected by Hurricane Matthew.

  • Seniors Marie Orrick and Katia Hauptmann make the crêpes using batter and a crêpe maker.

    PHOTO | Clare Kimmis
  • Senior Lily Coit serves a Nutella crêpe with whip cream and strawberries to a student in line.

    PHOTO | Clare Kimmis
  • Senior Gracie Snider adds some chocolate syrup onto her crêpe.

    PHOTO | Lucy Stofer
  • Senior Marie Orrick explains to those waiting in line their options for toppings.

    PHOTO | Clare Kimmis
  • Senior Marie Orrick reacts in awe to her crêpe flip.

    PHOTO | Lucy Stofer
  • Crêpes were one dollar but if students wanted toppings, such as whip cream, fruit and chocolate sauce, students had to pay an additional 50 cents.

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Seniors Marie Orrick, Mayme Loyd, Katia Hauptmann and Lily Coit held a crêpe sale Thursday Oct. 27 for their senior service project. They raised a total of $330.67 and all the proceeds are being sent to Maison de Naissance, a birthing center that provides safe medical care and support for expectant mothers.  Maternal and infant health care are often missing in Haitian communities, according to Maison de Naissance’s website.

The idea to incorporate Maison de Naissance into a senior service project came from teacher Marilyn Stewart who is friends with the Executive Director of Maison de Naissance, Jim Grant.

“I am so grateful to the four students involved in this project,” Stewart said. “And also to our students who are wholeheartedly supporting this project by buying crêpes.”

The money raised will be used to buy supplies like food, clean water, hygiene kits, and medicine for the birth center. When the supplies are bought locally with the money sent there it supports the local economy.

Crops and local stores were completely wiped out as a result of Hurricane Matthew, according to Grant. Currently, residents are relying only on fallen fruits – coconuts, plantains and breadfruit.

French teacher Liz Bono also played a role of support in the seniors’ project.

These seniors had already planned supporting the Maison,” Bono said, “but now are even more devoted to provide support since the hurricane.”

Along with the crêpe sale, cards were made in French Club with sayings in French that translated to, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you in these difficult times” and “My thoughts are with you.” These cards will be given to those at Maison de Naissance in addition to the money.

“Although we are not traveling to Haiti, we are helping in other ways,” Loyd said.

The seniors will also be volunteering at Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center in order to fulfill the service portion of their senior service project.

“It is kinda cool that we are making a difference both in Haiti and here in Kansas City,” Loyd said.