Feast Day Mass Photo Gallery and Video

  • Head of School Christina Broderick speaks to the congregation before Mass begins.

  • Spanish teacher April Schendel receives an award from Mission Director Penny Selle for her 10 years of teaching at the high school.

    PHOTO | Kelly Nugent
  • Spanish teacher Leah LaFaver receives an award for 5 years of teaching at the high school.

    PHOTO | Lucy Stofer
  • Religion teacher Paul Kramschuster reads a reflection after the Gospel.

  • Father Keith Branson, Avila Chaplain, officiated Mass Jan. 24.

    PHOTO | Kelly Nugent
  • Choeur members juniors Julianna Alaman and Paige Shankland, and seniors Katie Buhrmeister and Erin Quinn sing “Make Me A Channel of Your Peace.”

    PHOTO | Lucy Stofer
  • Junior Clare Lappin reads the first reading during Mass.

  • Sophomores Gabby Grimaldi, Emily Koca, Lilly Concannon, junior Eden Griffith and freshman Mary Claire Dunagan hold hands during the Our Father.

    PHOTO | Lucy Stofer
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