Tuesday Talks With Tomka: Signing Off

As the school year ends, it is time for me to bid farewell to my bi-monthly blog.

PHOTO | Submitted by Anna Tomka

Seniors Anna Tomka and Ella Anstoetter take pictures to celebrate their last day in uniform.

A blog is an outlet for creativity and freedom. Blogging has become increasingly popular and have been started for a variety of reasons such as marketing products or connecting with others. Mine was started to express my thoughts and opinions, but also to share my life stories. A lot of bloggers make money or gain fame from their posts. However,  I find blogging for fun to be better.

The other day in my religion class I was told that I am a “talented storyteller” and that I have “a way with my words.” She didn’t know it, but to me, that was the best compliment I have received. I’ve always enjoyed captivating others and especially making people laugh. I find myself thrown into funny or embarrassing situations quite often and have frequent stories to tell my friends from them.

It isn’t always easy being passionate about what you write about. Occasionally, I really have to harass myself to write. Writer’s block is a serious issue for me. I also cannot go and read my own blogs when they’re posted, because I will critique my writing or wish it was better. This blog has taught me not to be so hard on myself. I remind myself I’m not writing for The New York Times.

Breaks from writing are nice, but I know I will miss writing blogs in a few months. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I am graduating from high school and leaving the school newspaper behind. It will be strange to start over in a new place with new people, and I am anxious to see what is to come.

In July, I will be hopping on a flight to study journalism and business at the University of Sydney and I already know I will have plenty of stories to share from this adventure. The next chapter of my life will surely be a wild ride. I hope to start blogging on my own in the future, because I know I will be itching to write about something soon.