Serving Higher Standards

Junior Liz Jacobs plays club volleyball during the school year which challenges her to be a better student and player.

PHOTO | Photo submitted by Liz Jacobs

Before game time, junior Liz Jacobs recalls a play from a past game with her teammate, Staley junior Aly Mihlfield.

         The pressure of the rivalry game starts to set in as she squats to a down and ready position. In the midst of her nerves flaring up, former teammates, Allie Weinrich and Kathleen Tushaus tell her sophomore self to stay calm and not to be afraid to make mistakes. That was the reassurance she needed to have one of the best games of her sophomore season and to captivate her love for volleyball.

Junior Liz Jacobs plays club volleyball during the school year which comes with its challenges. But her outgoing, disciplined personality has helped her to be captain of both her high school and club team while staying on top of her school work.

“Luckily she was born with some athletic ability and she truly loves playing the game,” Jacobs’ mom Susan Jacobs said. “She understands it and works extremely hard at it between practices, lessons and physical training.”

Attending Queen of the Holy Rosary Wea School in third grade, Jacobs was introduced to many sports like softball and basketball. But volleyball was what she excelled in. Since then, she has always claimed the position of outside hitter, though sometimes she plays middle hitter. At 5’’8’, she’s about average height compared to the others on her club team, Dynasty. It’s because of her natural ability to perform at that position that her coaches over the years have put her there.

“It came very easy to me,” Jacobs said. “I think that I am put outside because I can make smart shots in high pressure situations.”

Kamryn Rogers
At the rivalry game against St. Teresa’s Academy, junior Liz Jacobs winds her hand back, ready to serve the ball.

Jacobs has played with Dynasty for five years. During that time, she has gotten accustomed to the grueling and hectic schedule that the team endures. Their season goes from October to April but depending on if her team earns a bid to Nationals, it could extend all the way to July. All of her tournaments thus far have been in town. They placed first in two of their tournaments and in the qualifier for Nationals, her team got 15th out of 167 teams.

“We do about 50/50 in town and out of town tournaments,” Jacobs said. “So far, we’ve only had in town tournaments, but the rest of my season will mostly be out of town.”

Jacob’s club team got the bid for Nationals the past two years. She said this makes her hopeful they will get a bid this year and play July in Minneapolis for Nationals.

First the team plans to travel to Philadelphia, Orlando, Indianapolis and Minneapolis during the spring. During those tournaments, they can expect to play anywhere from seven to nine games a weekend.

“On the single day tournaments where we play seven to eight games it can be really tough especially towards the end,” Jacobs said. “You’re playing the most you can play and it’s exhausting.”

As team captain, she helps pick her teammates up when they are stressed, having a hard time or are in need some advice. She was voted captain by her teammates because of her high energy during practices and games, according to Jacobs.

Kamryn Rogers
During practice, junior Liz Jacobs hits at her Dynasty teammates on the opposing side of the net during a drill.

“I take it on as a huge challenge,” Jacobs said. “I obviously want to get better but as a team captain, I want to be able to pull my team out of something.”

Her love for volleyball persists because of the friendships she has made. One of her best friends, St. James Academy junior Marea Wortman, said that when she joined Dynasty, Liz was the first person to make her feel welcome.

“Liz always has a positive attitude,” Wortmann said. “You always know she has your back and will always be there for you whenever you need her.”

Nine years later,  her love for volleyball persists. As for playing in college, Jacobs is undecided on if she would like to play at the varsity or club level. For now, Jacobs focuses her time on leading her team in the endeavor to make it to Nationals.

“The only times I get tired of playing volleyball is when our team is in a rut,” Jacobs said. “But most of the time I’m always down to play.”