Ninth Grade Mixer Photo Gallery

St. Teresa’s, Rockhurst, and Sion freshmen socialize and dance at the annual freshmen mixer.

  • As the freshmen mixer kicks off, freshmen Claire Shankland, Ellington Persley, and Grace Gaither jump to the song.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • Senior Avery Kuhls watches excitedly as Rockhurst freshman Quint Rhodes dances.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • While “Mask Off” plays through the speakers, freshmen Zoey Marshall, Teamaurie Grimes, Kaila Traylor and Chrissa Wilburn get ready for the chorus.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • After a circle had been cleared, freshman Emily Dierks does a backflip in the middle of the dance floor.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • Freshmen Emily Dierks, Reese Chambers and Shelby Beck dance during “Goosebumps”

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • Freshmen Kate Beaulieu, Emily Dierks and Samantha Molle sing along to “Rockstar”

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • As “Panini” plays in the background, freshmen Juwali Ya, Teamaurie Grimes and Chrissa Walburn laugh and sing along.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • Freshman Kendall Torres dance battles Rockhurst freshman AJ Murphy with a crowd of onlookers.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • St. Teresa’s, Rockhust, and Sion freshmen form a mosh pit.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • St. Teresa’s freshman Keely Spencer dons senior Reilly Jackoboice’s light up sweater and flamingo headband during the mixer.

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • Senior Reilly Jackoboice dances with freshman Eden Davis during “God’s Plan”

    PHOTO | Paula Sweeny
  • As everyone gathers in a circle, sophomore Tess Tappan shows off her worm dance move.

  • After Rockhurst freshman A.J. Murphy shows off his footwork, he teaches senior Reilly Jackaboice his moves.

  • As the music plays, freshman Kendall Torres shows off her dance moves.

  • Waiting for the beat to drop, freshman Adaline Huhmann surrounds herself with friends.

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