2019 Freshman Student Council Candidates

Freshman student council elections are tomorrow Sept. 25 in the gym. The freshman candidates answered questions about their interests and goals if elected to council.

Freshman Candidates for Class President

Callie Cameron



Q: What activities do you participate in?

A:  I play field hockey and my dad is a beekeeper so I was born into it in a sense. 

Q: What’s your favorite thing about Sion?

A: The environment and the way people act toward one another. It’s like a big sorority. 

Callie Cameron


Q: Why did you choose to run?

A:  I saw a lot of freshmen don’t want to interact because they don’t feel like they fit in. If I’m president, I can bring people together and help them be social.

Q: What activities do you participate in outside of school?

A: I dance for the Marching Cobras and I love drumline.

Callie Cameron



Q: Why did you choose to run?

A: I just thought that it would be a good way to get involved in the community and meet some new people, hopefully some upperclassmen. 

Q: What activities do you participate in outside of school?

A: I play club and Sion volleyball. I like to crochet, my grandma taught me.

Callie Cameron


Q: Why did you choose to run?

A:  I thought it was a big responsibility. I feel like that why a lot of people didn’t do it. To me, it sounds really fun. I want to spread a lot of positivity and school spirit, and be able to reach above our goals. 

Q: What is your plan for office? 

A:  It’s kind of a fundraiser deal. If you have school on your birthday, instead of getting a gift, you can bring like $10 or $15. Then at the end of the year, we donate it to an organization that we choose as a class. 


Q: What changes, if any, would you make?

A: Just to make people more motivated to participate in fundraisers.

Q: What activities do you participate in outside of school?

A: Gymnastics, volleyball, soccer, swimming and I’m planning on doing football. 

Freshman Candidates for Class Vice President

Callie Cameron



Q: Why did you choose to run? 

A: I was on student council for three years at my old school and I was president last year. I like being involved in making decisions and helping to make the school better.

Q: What changes, if any, would you make?

A: I think that there are definitely ways we can make our school more environmentally friendly. We go through a whole thing of plastic utensils a day. Just things like that.

Callie Cameron



Q: Why did you choose to run? 

A: I thought it would be something new to try and experience. It’s a good way to get involved. 

Q: What is your favorite thing at Sion?

A: Bray’s Class, he’s really chill. 


Callie Cameron



EDEN DAVIS, Vice President

Q: What leadership qualities do you possess?

A: I’m kind to everybody. I can bring people together as a group, and I’m determined to help people.

Q: What sports do you participate in?

A: I’m in cross country right now. I also play basketball and swim for Blue Springs in the summer. 

Freshman Candidates for Class Secretary


Callie Cameron



Q: Why did you choose to run? 

A:  I’ve never done this before and I wanted to try something new.

Q: What’s your favorite part about Sion? 

A: The teachers. They’re a lot different from the schools I’ve been in. My favorite is Mr. Bray

Callie Cameron



Q: What’s your favorite thing about Sion?

A:   I love the sisterhood style and the welcoming people here. 

Q:What activities do you participate in outside of school?

A: I’m a cheerleader, and I like to bake a lot. 


Freshman Candidates for Class Treasurer

Callie Cameron



Q: Why did you choose to run? 

A: I thought it would be fun to help the school and a good way to get involved.

Q: What’s your favorite Sion tradition?

A: Spirit week.


Callie Cameron


TEA GRIMES, Treasurer

Q: Why did you choose to run?

A: I did it last year at my old school. I liked making changes before I left, just something to remember me by.

Q: What are your favorite activities at Sion?

A: I really like photo club and drumline. 


Q: Why did you choose to run?

A: I always wanted to be on STUCO, but I never really tried it. 

Q: What’s your favorite part of Sion?

A: The tennis team and Wii club