Food For Thought Skits 2019
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors performed skits at the annual Food for Thought assembly kicking off the month-long can drive in support of Redemptorist Social Services Oct. 31.
Emma Hutchin, Photo Editor|Oct 31, 2019
Overcome with emotion after winning first place in a fake pageant skit, sophomore Tess Tappan accepts the crown. “It’s always so much fun to play big, over-the-top characters and just goof around with my friends,” Tappan said. Each grade level performed a skit to raise awareness about the upcoming food drive Oct. 31.
PHOTO | Emma Hutchin -
During the annual Food For Thought skits, seniors Avery Jones and Maddy Anstoetter impersonate the Taps officers Oct. 31. Each class participates in a skit to raise excitement about the upcoming canned food drive that benefits Redemptorist.
PHOTO | Emma Hutchin -
Sophomore Tess Tappan performs a rendition of ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ during her class’s beauty pageant skit. Each grade put on a skit to raise excitement about the upcoming food drive Oct. 31. “I had a lot of fun with our Stuco skit this year because I really go into my character,” Tappan said.
PHOTO | Emma Hutchin