Quick Stop Throwing on their jackets, senior Arleth Guevara and her mom begin their walk down the stage at the mother-daughter fashion show on September 17 at the Sheraton.
Sas and Style Pointing to her mom, senior Ava Townsend strikes a pose at the fashion show on September 17. The Townsends were modeling Addie Rose Boutique which they’ve shopped at for over 12 years. Townsend patiently watched both of her older sisters walk the Sion stage with their mom, so she was really excited for it to be her turn. “I couldn’t be happier to do something so fun with my best friend,” Townsend said. “I had so many different emotions thinking about how this will be one of my last times doing something like this with her.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Lights, Camera, Pose Putting her hands on her hip, senior Caroline Hammett smiles for the crowd while walking in the fashion show with her mom on September 17. Hammett’s favorite thing about her outfit was that it wasn’t something she wouldn’t usually wear. “My mom has wanted to be in the fashion show ever since freshman year,” said Hammett “It was definitely a full circle moment of my years at Sion.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Stealing the Show Resting her arm on her mom, senior Gioia Serra and her mom laugh as she poses next to her mom on the September 7 fashion show. PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Stage Shananigans Dancing in sync, senior Imani Cutler and her grandma show their moves off at the September 17 fashion show. Cutler was excited to show off her fashion and most importantly walk the stage with one of her favorite people. “ I was so grateful and full of joy to be in the show, “ Cutler said. “Knowing that I was experiencing this tradition with a lady who never let me down made me so happy.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Dynamic Duo Leaning on each other, senior Catherine Knopke shoots her mom a sassy look in the fashion show on September 17. Knopke was waiting to walk in the fashion show with her mom since she was a freshman and was extremely excited when she found out they’d be able to walk the stage together. “I knew me and my mom wanted to put our personalities into our walk,” Knopke said. “We decided to strike a pose at the end of the runway.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Kisses and Cameras Blowing a kiss to her mom, senior Lexi Teel finishes her walk with this little gesture at the fashion show on September 17. Teel has always loved watching the fashion show and thought about her and her mom walking in it one day. “Spending time with my mom picking out our outfits, figuring out which song we were going to walk to, and then finally walking the stage was all super exciting,” Teel said. “The day came, and I was a little nervous but once we got on the stage I felt so good, and listening to what my mom put on the doc really made me realize how much I’ll miss her once I leave for college.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Touch Ups Applying lip gloss, senior Maggie Axtell and her mom look at each other to touch up their makeup at the fashion show on September 17. Axtell and her mom both had one of a kind bags from Clothology, so they pulled their lip gloss from the bags to show them off a little. “Me and my mom rehearsed our moves to match our song,” Axtell said. “We wanted to keep with the Barbie theme as we walked down and posed.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Happy Hugs Smiling at each other, Senior Natalie Stapp and her mom go in for a hug as their final pose at the fashion show on September 17. Stapp was excited to be the senior walking on the stage for all of the underclassmen to watch. “I loved getting to share such a touching moment with my mom,” Stapp said. “I was thankful to share one of my last Sion memories with her.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Model Mania Snapping her fingers senior Sophia Grantham does a dance with her mom on the fashion show stage on September 17. Grantham has walked in Kansas Fashion Week, so this wasn’t her first time modeling, but she did have to teach her mom some moves. “I was very happy to be dancing with my mom,” Grantham said. “I was so proud that she wasn’t messing up the dance we planned the night before.” PHOTO | ADDIE DOYLE
Mother Daughter Fashion Show Gallery
Sion held their annual Mother Daughter fashion show, with record participants. Here’s a gallery of some of the highlight moments.
Addie Doyle, Reporter
Oct 3, 2023
About the Contributor

Addie Doyle, Print Editor in Chief
Addie is a senior and Print Editor in Chief of Le Journal. She would love to visit Spain, and her favorite food is chips and queso. She has a severe caffeine addiction and it’s rare to see her without an energy drink. Her favorite Sion tradition is junior ring and she has a ring tan line because she will not go out without it on. She is also on tennis, lacrosse, and student council. Her favorite relaxing activities are driving her jeep through the countryside, listening to music, and working out. If Addie could live anywhere in the world she would live in Los Angeles, California because she grew up going there. Her dream college is TCU and she plans on either being a teacher or family lawyer. She is the oldest of two girls and her family is very important to her. One of her favorite memories is going to Morgan Wallen for her friend’s birthday because she loves her friends very much.