“Martian” Movie Brings Mars to Life

“The Martian” is an excellent movie adaptation of the sci-fi/comedy book by Andy Weir. The story begins with a small crew on Mars. Because of a devastating storm, they evacuate and abort their mission. In the panic of the evacuation, botanist and fellow crew member, Watney, was struck by debris and presumed dead, causing the rest of the crew to leave without him.

Watney wakes up a day later, injured and stranded, the only living thing on an entire planet. He has no means of communication with Earth and no way to let anyone know he’s alive. The next mission to Mars won’t arrive for another 4 years and Watney has a food supply meant for 1 month. To survive, it will take a blend of optimism, courage, genius, and spirit.

The cinematography of this film is breathtaking, seeming to leap off the screen and bring you into the vastness of Mars. 

The movie was casted perfectly as Matt Damon exquisitely captures the humor and optimism of protagonist Mark Watney. The film was well scripted, keeping many direct quotes from the book that were essential for proper character development.

Overall, “The Martian” stayed true to its plot and was fun to watch, keeping you on the edge of your seat, equally ready for the next problem or funny moment to strike.