Return of the Record
PHOTO | Kathleen Watz
Everyone knows that Instagram post that can be found almost instantly on any account. A picture of someone holding a record of some hip new artist inside an Urban Outfitters. Wow, I love knowing that you are both hip and vintage at the same time. Record machines died out many years ago but now the ancient creatures are beginning to show up once again in the name of the “aesthetic.”
An adventure down to some “hip” place where records are sold and bam. Instant Instagram material my friends. Most of the time it isn’t even music that was available to be on a record but rather some new music like Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey.
I personally don’t understand the new fascination with record machines, but a few of my friends have them. Whenever I go over to their houses, they immediately want to play something on their cool, vintage record machine, but it ends up taking a lot more time to hook up all the cords and set the station than it does to listen to one song.
These are not cheap either. It costs more than anyone in high school should be comfortable with spending. The actual records themselves cost twice as much than the cost on iTunes or CD.
A large group of wannabe hipsters are arising and listening to their record players as they scale the hipster wall into hipster heaven. All trying to outdo each other seeing what they can bring back into style before anyone else knows it.
Maybe next time the “cool kids” will bring boomboxes back and get to carry them all over town in their hammer pants. Or maybe instead of carrying our MacBook Airs around the school typewriters will become the next big thing. It might be harder to write our numerous essays and keep up with the homework load but it will be all worth it for the aesthetic.
Chandi Marsh • Feb 8, 2016 at 10:37 PM
It’s because of the vintage trend haha. Everyone wants to bring old trends back.