Innovative Album Entertains Curiosity

Weezer’s new album allows for creative custody of eccentric lyrics.

Weezer’s fourth self-titled album was released on April 1 simply as “The White Album.” This was the first album released since 2014.

This album has catchy beats, but the lyrics are what makes each of the songs unique. It appears that frontman Rivers Cuomo uses the “anything goes” rule when approaching what lyrics should be included in the album. A few examples include references to Dante’s Inferno, Charles Darwin, the idea that God might be a woman, male pregnancy and aliens. These eccentric images are not far off from their previous album with allusions to Paul Revere and even the resurrection of ancient Egyptian royalty.

“The White Album” is not only filled with clever tributes to Cuomo’s most whimsical imaginations but has a distinct undertone that satirizes the consumerist culture that always needs more especially in the single “Prom Night.”

Some of the songs are strongly reminiscent of a Beach Boys’ song with similar melodies that invoke feelings of sitting on a beach or skateboarding down a road in California. These feel good songs are a reminder of past songs such as “Island in the Sun” by Weezer.

“Thank God for Girls” was the first of the songs on this album to be released and at first glance it might seem like a song praising the patriarchy. Upon further interpretation it actually mocks the male dominated society and archaic views on religion. It challenges gender specific roles in society through carefully crafted lyric work. The cover art for this particular song humorously shows the Pope surrounded by religious women from an actual photo with “Weezer” painted across his back.

This album is a successful return to music after their last album “Everything Will Be Alright in the End.” Some might not appreciate the unconventional art form that is “The White Album” but this masterpiece will not go unnoticed. It is available on iTunes, Spotify, and in stores for $9.99.