Fine Arts Spirit Night Slide Show & Video

Kate Pilgreen, P.E. teacher and assistant athletic director, sang "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.
Sophie Nedelco
Kate Pilgreen, P.E. teacher and assistant athletic director, sang “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen.
Michelle Martinez, senior, read the poem
Sophie Nedelco
Michelle Martinez, senior, read a  poem.
Freshman Julianna Alaman-Hayes sings “Don’t Rain on my Parade” a capella at the Roasterie.


Junior and freshman Molly and Aiden McEnerney preformed Taylor Swift's recent release, "Blank Space."
Sophie Nedelco
Junior and freshman Molly and Aiden McEnerney preformed Taylor Swift’s recent release, “Blank Space.”
Freshman Rhonya Crawford sang "He Wants it All" by Forever Jones.
Sophie Nedelco
Freshman Rhonya Crawford sang “He wants it all” by Forever Jones.
Freshman Rhonya Crawford soulfully sings at the Roasterie.
Freshman Meg Travis played a Christmas song for the crowd.
Sophie Nedelco
Freshman Meg Travis played a Christmas song for the crowd.
Freshmen Melissa Hamilton and Catherine Dehaemers, and juniors Katie Pendergast and Abby Hamilton enjoy Sion Family Spirit Night held at the Roasterie Dec. 3.
Sophie Nedelco
Freshmen Melissa Hamilton and Catherine Dehaemers, and juniors Katie Pendergast and Abby Hamilton enjoy Sion Family Spirit Night held at the Roasterie Dec. 3.
Senior Nia Scott recites the poem "We're the People from Nowhere."
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Nia Scott recites the poem “We’re the People from Nowhere.”
Natalie Williams, sophomore, sang "Make you feel my love" by Adele.
Sophie Nedelco
Natalie Williams, sophomore, sang “Make you feel my love” by Adele.
Junior Mary Helen Guastello recites her "I Want" poem which she wrote in her Creative Writing class.
Sophie Nedelco
Junior Mary Helen Guastello recites her “I Want” poem which she wrote in her Creative Writing class.
Sisters freshman Aidan McEnerney and junior Molly McEnerney sing "Blank Page" by Taylor Swift.
Sophie Nedelco
Sisters freshman Aidan McEnerney and junior Molly McEnerney sing “Blank Page” by Taylor Swift.
Senior Michelle Martinez recites "To This Day," by Shane Koyczan.
Senior Michelle Martinez recites “To This Day,” by Shane Koyczan.
Sophomore Lilia Nicholson reads the poem "How to Cure a Feminist."
Sophie Nedelco
Sophomore Lilia Nicholson reads the poem “How to Cure a Feminist.”
Sophomore Lauren Cordes sings "Imagine," by John Lennon.
Sophie Nedelco
Sophomore Lauren Cordes sings “Imagine,” by John Lennon.
Sophomore Lauren Cordes sings "Imagine," by John Lennon.
Sophie Nedelco
Sophomore Lauren Cordes sings “Imagine,” by John Lennon.
Juniors Katie Pendergast and Aree Tomes sing "I'm Not the Only One" by Sam Smith.
Sophie Nedelco
Juniors Katie Pendergast and Aree Tomes sing “I’m Not the Only One” by Sam Smith.
Freshman Camille Grimes sings a song.
Sophie Nedelco
Freshman Camille Grimes sings a song.
Freshman Camille Grimes sings a song.
Sophie Nedelco
Freshman Camille Grimes sings a song.
Juniors Anna Sell and Madison Masiliones performed a skit.
Sophie Nedelco
Juniors Anna Sell and Madison Masiliones performed a skit.
Senior Anna Redmond sang "Not About Angels" by Birdie.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Anna Redmond sang “Not About Angels” by Birdie.
Senior Anna Redmond sang "Not About Angels" by Birdie.
Sophie Nedelco
Senior Anna Redmond sang “Not About Angels” by Birdie.