Lauren Smith, social media coordinator|Oct 1, 2021
Dance team radiates school spirit through their performance. (Lauren)Senior Katy Gromowsky attentively observes the drumline performance.The senior class clap along to the school song.Stormy partakes in the singing of the school song.Drumline performs at the beginning of the pep assembly to kick up everyone’s spirits.Stormy dances along with the drumline performance.The Senior class cheer along with drumline to display school spirit.The freshmen class participate in their first pep assembly.The freshmen class watch instructions from the cheer team to learn the cheers,Senior Taylor Crouch along with the other seniors share that they are on field hockey .Senior Marie Messerli shares that she is on field hockey.The freshmen class shows enthusiasm while learning the school cheers.Junior Katie Kasper leads the cheer team front and center.Junior Caroline McCombs leads shows her school spirit during her cheer performance.Cheer team members Katie Kasper and Imani Cutler await the leading of the freshmen class in school cheers.The freshmen class participates in their first pep assemblyDance team awaits the start of their dance while Coach Pilgreen gets their music ready.Dance team began their dance while the students cheered.Senior Olivia Mancina leads the students in the singing of the school songSenior Tess Tapan and Lauren Ellwanger clap along during the singing of the school song.Senior Sophia Totta shows her school spirit after performing on dance team during the singing of the school song.Seniors participate in the singing of the school song.Seniors showed who rocks the house at end of the pep assembly.Mrs. Brown-Howerton gifts maintenance worker Nelly for a token of gratitude for the upcoming maintenance appreciation day.Stormy shows school spirit during the singing of the school song.