Debate Tournaments Mean More than Competition

Debaters from nine schools and 60 teams gathered Thursday Nov. 14 to discuss controversial topics such as the Cuban Embargo and Russian military enhancement. Performances ranged from team competitions in current events and parliamentary to individual performances in poetry, prose and oratory.

Senior Julia Balmaceda and junior Alex Dykeman showed their skills by placing second in Varsity. They were followed by juniors Zoya Khan and Rose Puthumana who took fifth, juniors Maura Healy and Megan Sloan who placed sixth, and sophomores Katie Pendergast and Olivia Dugan who took seventh place. In the novice level, freshmen Honor Schleicher and Paige Jones took ninth.

“I have high hopes for the girls in parliamentary and the girls repping us at weekend tournaments,” Balmaceda said. “Sion has for the past two years done exceptionally well and I have no doubt we will do better. We always have teams placing in the top 10.”

But tournaments are not always focused on the competition aspect. According to Balmaceda, the bond between the girls on the team is undeniable, making competitions even more enjoyable with the support of teammates. Junior debater Quasha Collins says that being able to argue in a professional manner has allowed her to be dramatic, which is a quality she says she does not typically exhibit.