Gaza Grappeling

PHOTO | Photo by MCTCampus

Men search for bodies of four missing people in a bombed building in Shati refugee camp after an Israeli airstrike on Aug. 4.

One, two, three, four, stop the killing, stop the war! Five, six, seven, eight, stop the killing, stop the hate! Protesters chant out, catching the attention of people passing by. Making the issue known. People gathered at the Nicholas Fountain on the Country Club Plaza this summer to protest on behalf of Palestinians in Gaza. In the crowd of protesters were junior Manahil Khan and senior Zoya Khan.

“Going to this protest meant being apart of a bigger community and standing up for something I thought was really important,” Manahil said.

The protest was led by Fatima Mohammadi. The protesters were frustrated, but not angry, according to the Khans.This protest helped the Khans to become more motivated to do something to help the Palestinians in Gaza. The Khans said they were proud because they were able to stand up for what they believe in and use their rights as American citizens. They were both amazed by the turnout of the protest.

“I’ve been to another protest for Syria, and it didn’t even have half the people. I was really happy that a lot of people stepped up,” Manahil said.

Some people may assume that it would only be Muslims in attendance, but there were people from all different faiths and ethnicity. The Khans believe the protest influenced Kansas Citians because a lot of people weren’t aware of the situation in Gaza and they said it was like a reality check.