S.E.E.D Assembly Rescheduled

The Students Exploring and Educating Diversity (S.E.E.D) Club assembly has been postponed until March 24.  Although it was originally planned for Feb. 10, its topic and speakers will remain the same for the most part, according to librarian Jenny Campbell.  The date was moved in order to fully prepare faculty and students for the presentation.

The assembly will focus on challenges in the community regarding interfaith and diversity dialogue and how to improve it in the future.  Student experiences will be shared through a film created by senior Katie Kentfield. The presentation will discuss diversity in the context of Sion exclusively.

“The movie will be the most powerful part because a lot of students don’t know these issues exist yet,” junior Alyssa Moncure said.

To prepare for the assembly, students filled out a survey created by SEED sharing their stories regarding ethnic and religious diversity at Sion.  In addition, they scheduled an expert to speak.

Following the film, students will gather in Maisons to discuss diversity at Sion.  Most likely, two or three maisons will join together, and a faculty member will lead the conversation, according to Campbell.

Since the school strives for an atmosphere that is respectful of all faiths and acknowledges the importance of “leadership in a culturally and religiously diverse world,” according to Sion’s mission statement, S.E.E.D’s presentation works toward these goals outlined in the mission statement.

“The goal is to move Sion forward,” Campbell said.