Fine Arts Day Pops Into Action
PHOTO | Photo submitted by Morgan Ciocca
Auditions for Fine Arts Day are tomorrow, Wednesday April 6, in the music room after school. Students may prepare a song, dance routine, poem or other performance piece under three minutes long, and faculty from the Fine Arts department will select the performances. The theme for this year is Pop Art, according to Director of Visual, Performing and Literary Arts Jenny Campbell.
Fine Arts Day is April 15, and visual and performing arts classes have popped into action. However, it’s not only students in these art classes who will be participating; auditions to perform are open to all students.
“I’m always intrigued when I see students sign up that I didn’t know perform,” Director of Performing Arts Elizabeth Mulkey said.
Fine Arts day provides a platform for these students who do not participate in art classes to show their talents to the school. It’s not only these performers who get to show off their artistic side, according to art teacher Michael Pesselato. All students will be able to participate in a Maison activity where they will create pop art murals to go along with this year’s theme. He also said they will have a post-it mural for students to create while looking at their classmates’ art in the New Grande Salle.
“I’ve never done a post-it mural before so I’m interested to see how this turns out,” Pesselato said.
Along with the individual student performances, Sion’s jazz ensemble and the Blake School’s choir will perform instead of a guest artist, according to Mulkey.
“We try to have a little diversity so we can showcase the breadth of talents at Sion,” Director of Visual, Performing, and Literary Arts Jennifer Campbell said.
There will also be chalk drawings featured on the sidewalk or in the New Grande Salle, depending on the weather.
“I love fine arts day because the things I love most are celebrated communally,” junior art student and chalk drawing participant Morgan Ciocca said. “It makes me happy to see everyone come together as one big creative community.”