Tri-M Takes Time to Help the Less Fortunate

The members of Tri-M music honor society met in downtown Kansas City at the Grand Avenue Temple to assist the church’s outreach program on Sunday, April 3.

“The main purpose of Tri-M is to serve the community with our talents and time, so we had been looking for a service opportunity like this for awhile,” Tri-M president and junior Zoë Mulkey said.

The club’s original plan to volunteer on January 19th as a part of America’s National Day of Service was abandoned as the intended date coincided with the school musical’s tech week, a week during which the majority of Tri-M members were involved in participating as cast, crew, or pit.

The Tri-M club members served food to homeless, organized the programs recycling and cleaned up after the meal was served.

“We served a little over a hundred people. The people we served were very friendly and the pastor of the church was very welcoming so it was a nice experience,” Tri-M club member and senior Madison Masilionis said.